Improve Quest Rewards
Having played a character without a faction (Siona) and a character with one (Maire), I can plainly see that the server right now demands you have some sort of wage. Siona was a boss were-cat, level 7, had some major benefits - but I lost her last PvP because I didn't even have a single stoneskin potion. I had some very very basic potions.
Maire, on the other hand, feels like she has much more staying power - not because she's got the mechanical power behind her, but because she's getting 25gp/IG hour for the simple fact she's existing. That money drip means I can afford potions - and I have access to more and cheaper potions via the faction store!
Personally, I feel that the reason being unfactioned seems so monetarily unfeasible is because questing, at the moment, only rewards experience.
You get 250 gold per quest. Do you want to use a barkskin potion?
You have a profit of 24gp. Do you need to drink a shield potion too? Aha, ahaha, AHAHAHAHA. No money for you!I have some suggestions:
- Improve monetary payout of quests.
- Script in some potions rewards for quests.
- Reduce potion prices.
- Make more options available to the unfactioned, somehow.
Other thoughts (Or, where I'm coming from with this:)
- I don't know how people amass 10k+ gold. If someone does, I welcome their advice.
- I have only played two characters on the current version.
- I have lately had a LOT of time to play, so I've been staring at this for a while now. I really, really feel bad for casual players in this environment.
I don't necessarily disagree, but one thing that I think you're missing @Paramour is that you can use prestige to get potions. So quest loot, but lots of the other prestige items, are a big source of potions.
For me, this is the primary way I get staple questing potions (bark, blur, shield) and stoneskin.
Admittedly, if you are saving prestige for loot, this is harder.
I have no trouble saving 10k+, but I am a ranger with mostly free buffs, a wage, and I'm not using prestige for other loot.
I do agree it would be nice for cool loner concepts to get support, I guess this is where DM intervention comes in? I don't have a great idea for some auto-wage system for the factionless. Maybe wages for the Autonomous Collective of Evil? Idk. Evil has its perks.
People who become exiled generally get a wage of 25.
People who are wanted with a bounty, generally get a wage of 50
This is not 100% all the time true as it depends on things.
DM's support interesting loner concepts where possible.
Perfect :)
@hominid I pay for my potions with prestige and I am still dirt poor. paying with prestige is like - kill yourself down to lv 6 - grind the starting quests again and toss every piece of loot into the chest in the council of 12 loot and buy potions there. if you're lv 7 or above the costs for getting SOME loot from quests are just not worth it.
On Valarious the only way I made money was by doing every single fetch quest every reset to get gold.
I have complicated thoughts on the problem but my mobile is just about out of battery.
It boils down to the payout for harder quests feeling too low for the amount of effort and consumables required to make it work. If not for my magic and the way I prepare for them, that 250 coin payout wouldn't convince me to touch them. Even 400 is kind of rough.
I, too, have been doing fetch quests to support myself. I mostly sleep outside the city both for IC reasons and because I've had days where I couldn't afford the bed because my money got spent replacing potions.
There's also mining gemstones, which is a legitimate way to make coin-- if you're willing to put in the time and risk losing levels.
I have no faction wage, and I don't really advertise mercantile services because it's not IC. That said, my last smith retired with about 150k on her, and regularly carried around 40k because she had a group of mercantile-y minded people and we worked together to show the server how cool the crafted gear can be.
No idea where they got their money, though.
Spellcasters usually amass mountains of gold since they don’t need boons or even loot as much. People in the main factions too since they have shops catered to certain classes and the best loot.
Large parties ease quests considerably. Summons can make up for party members.
The economy is in a strange place, some emphasis on crafting, though I find DM loot tends to be focused on the main factions who, in turn, don’t need to spend resources on crafted gear and get better gear
Prices for pots are high due to low wizard count who can brew pots much cheaper, quickly and undercut NPCs.
Payout has been adjusted.
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