Make the following quests HARDER
The watchtower quest seems to swing wildly between two extremes every time it gets looked at.
I don't theoretically have a problem with these quests getting harder but there was a point in time that the boss of the watchtower quest was casting Wail of the Banshee and tpking entire parties with one spell. So if I had to choose, I'd say too easy is probably where I'd prefer to be of the two.
Though if it does get a balance pass I would suggest trying to include a few new enemy types to help try and break up the monotony and add a little bit of Target priority requirements to the quest as well. Maybe these enemy types could give a better indication of what was going on and more solidly link it to the south horn? I think it's a treatment a lot of quests could probably stand to get, but that is neither here nor there I guess.
Last night was quite an easy run through of the Watchtower, but all the squishy members of the party were capable of looking after themselves and also healing.
Run throughs like that can be nice because it allowed conversation and banter to take place without worrying overly about someone dying from split attention.
I've done other run throughs in the past that felt brutal, where you were taking your life in your hands trying to type a sentence.
All the quests are easy. The Spice shall flow!
Remember we balance after the average player, this includes our beloved fugue king @Orin1234 in the calculation.
@puffy said in Make the following quests HARDER:
Remember we balance after the average player, this includes our beloved fugue king @Orin1234 in the calculation.
If I were a girl, Orin and I would be fugue dating. So when I post this, it is not Dobby, CB and their like who steamroll through quests. It is I, Olouth, the man who thought Parry was good on ranger/wizards.
@salem My current PC would disagree with the first half of what you said
In smaller parties the Watchtower quest is actually one of the 7-10s you can take more damage on without NEP. All the ghosts spam vampiric touch and can often actually be kind of dangerous. I think the problem here is how the quest scales and the boss could likely use a gentle uptick in hp.
@bowser said in Make the following quests HARDER:
In smaller parties the Watchtower quest is actually one of the 7-10s you can take more damage on without NEP. All the ghosts spam vampiric touch and can often actually be kind of dangerous. I think the problem here is how the quest scales and the boss could likely use a gentle uptick in hp.
^This. I probably take more dmg on this quest than any other 7-10
I am generally all for quests becoming harder if they also provide better rewards. Simply making the existing quests hArDeR doesn't necessarily make them better, imo. I don't particularly enjoy running through them, but this doesn't have all that much to do with their difficulty.
Sounds like the problem is that the quest does not scale up enough with larger parties?
@shadowfax Yeah, I'd say that's the only issue with Watchtower.
Its unlikely we will make quests "harder", however quests that fail to scale is a bug. Please make a bug report if you notice quests that dont scale well.
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