Buff the power of DM loot
@prof-misclick I really like how you took an entire thread of people criticizing how inflexible and unfun your system is and, instead of addressing the things people are talking about (namely, how your system doesn't work and leads to unsatisfying results,) took the one post that said that they like the loot they got and unironically used it to say "See it's fine we're doing it right after all!" It might be the funniest post of the year. Honestly, bravo.
A lot of this problem stems from how bad the loot levels on the server are in general. This has, ostensibly, gotten better over the past year with the changes to crafting and the addition of pureclass stores. These solutions however require weeks or months of grinding in addition to whatever else you're doing ingame or a very specific class type. You're left in the lurch if you don't have access to a crafter who spent six weeks grinding out smithing or aren't a Pure Fighter/Monk/Whatever. And if you're playing a very niche class combo like I currently am you're just never going to get the support you need because in order to give me the things I need to function they would need to go around THE MATRIX and that would just be unacceptable.
This part just isn't fun for me. Getting DM loot should be fun. Giving DM loot should be fun (and by all accounts, of which I have many, it absolutely is not.) I play on this server because the stories that our Players and Storytellers are pumping out at a frankly remarkable pace are great uses of my limited time, which they also respect that I am choosing to spend here. But I also wish that the end or continuance of these plots wasn't spent trying to min-max the system in an attempt to give out loot that is both interesting from a flavor perspective and able to back up that flavor mechanically. It shouldn't take me months of my life to get good loot.
Everything I would want to say about this, @HellzYeah just said much better than I could have.
I'll just say, this is the stingiest server in terms of loot I've ever played on in 18 years of playing NWN and NWN2 PWs. I've played Hardcore max 8 low magic servers that took weeks to hit level 8 that were more generous with loot. In the end this is a game we play for fun, getting loot in both video games and tabletop is fun and part of the experience.
Gotta agree with both Hellz and Owl. This is a video game. Meant for fun. Let's treat it as such.
This all being said, what are the admins thoughts on this? Besides one outlier, it seems storytellers and players alike want dm loot to be improved.
Any admin thoughts?
@Prof-Misclick -
The loot level is not me. It is not my system. So while I seem to be the person who gets associated with it that was not my decision in a vacuum nor was I even the one who first brought up it for Chapter One. Relative loot levels, consumbables and attempts to have a grittier low powered server were the brain child of Spiffy. Hate me for the non max HP, that was my idea.
@prof-misclick said in Buff the power of DM loot:
The loot level is not me. It is not my system. So while I seem to be the person who gets associated with it that was not my decision in a vacuum nor was I even the one who first brought up it for Chapter One. Relative loot levels, consumbables and attempts to have a grittier low powered server were the brain child of Spiffy. Hate me for the non max HP, that was my idea.
So yea, it was my brain child for the current loot levels and I will own that.
That said, I am willing to put in the work to gently increase the strength of loot if the team decides to do so.
Which we are open to discuss for the record.
The current system is not that bad. it actually has some really nice features. Don't get the sudden aggro. Think prof's comments are sensible.
The prestige system could be tweaked with thematic stuff. If anything, it is a really nice feature, and not utilised enough, and should maybe be expanded to include multiclass builds. This was discussed a few days ago:
if you are making DM loot with mechanics in mind, I am just not convinced by it. It just seems a desire for power creep. Problem was when it spilled over to PvP and you had PCs that were impossible to take down, which was a problem last chapter on more than one occasion. All plots then had to go through them.
If I EVER give out renamed pieces of crafted gear and call it "DM loot", feel free to DM kill IRL.
Again, the issue mostly is that the tight constraints put upon these 'tiers' that are put in place are made tighter by the limited range that the server suffers from as a whole. You have almost zero wiggle room between the floor you have set (mundane loot) and the ceiling (presumably +1, with a little extra) and this is where the struggle takes place.
To be clear- I don't think anyone's asking to move the ceiling all that much further up. But I think opening up to the prospect of giving out things like better +ab bonunses (These no longer break DR,) attribute bonuses, better 1/day spells, bonus feats, and other interesting options will likely help broaden the scope of what can be made available to players.
I am saying this as someone who absolutely has been on the receiving end of what I can only assume is some of the best loot that's ever been given out to a PC in the current version of the server. It wasn't worth the effort, especially since I never got to actually use it because the server died a week after I got it. This is the main problem, in my eyes. Because of how restricting the range is, the most interesting variations of loot are restricted to the completion of major plots and often by that time you are finding that your character is nearly complete, or that it is so much work that it deflates the usefulness of said loot.
Opening up the range to be more than a little more rewarding during the beginning and middle sections of a story I think lends itself better to how the game is normally played.
@hellzyeah I will test if AB breaks DR or not.
@spiffymeister It shouldn't, we enabled a switch to stop it from working like that so that we could have more granular loot within the guidelines we are currently using.
Though, it's not really been used yet. (and some loot need enhance instead of AB now, particularly silver)
Continuous work
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