Enemy summons not vanishing on summoner death
PC summoners.
NPC summoners. The one I can think of specifically is the druid in the Halfhap quest.
I need the names of the summoners, not what they summoned :) Specific names/examples, please.
From what I've seen it's any NPC caster that can summon, like even bandit mage summons stick around.
Foley is correct
Tested IG just now. took about 5 seconds after the bandit mage died before the summon disappeared. There also was no unsummon vfx firing.
Not sure what's causing it. -
Even dismissing Summons, turns them hostile, and they hang around way long then they should, I’ve had dismissed summons run up and kill npcs or npcs run up and attack them, only way I can do the old actual dismissal is doing a rest.
Use the little child's top shaped widget on them.
They unsummon without going hostile.
Also you can hit R and they will unsummon as well even if you are not able to rest.
that's what I ment when I said Doing a rest, I just mash R to desum,
Sticky situation sorcerer did it yesterday. I think she summoned a badger.
Uncertain how we could fix this, maybe an edit to the summoning scripts? @Zool what do you think?
@Puffy yes... this can be fixed - but the issue comes from having made NPC's able to use the summon themes.
I made it so it uses the same code as players- however, NPC's don't really have "Henchmen" in the same way that players do.
There are a couple options:
1: Refactor the code to use the SummonCreature() effect to spawn the monster (I think I looked at this but it's a tad odd how it works... I think, not entirely sure why I didn;'t do it but there will have been a reason, though that reason may have been simply, it was faster to do it the other way and I was in a rush)
2: put some kind of check on the summoned creature, which either uses a heartbeat to check for it';s master existence (This may be in place and is why they despawn at all) or, put a function into the death of NPC's, that checks for summoned creatures stored as local objects and removes them with the relevant effects on NPC death.
Both require the code between players and NPC's to be re-split (which I avoided with the fix to them using summon themes) and both require some fiddling about and testing, but they should also both work.
Ideal is option 1 though, as it's the least complex and least dependant on other scripts and storing variables.
Ok, I finally got round to fixing this.
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