Messenger Kenku not recognized as sender
Area name: Arabel: The Faceless Inn
NPC Name: Messenger
NPC Location: North west in the large room at the bottom of the map, along the wall. Kenku model.
Server Version: 210621 Echo 7328Issue: When using the dot commands for sending found here:
Sending Commands
.sending store TEXT - To store a message for sending system.
.sending send & .sending send TEXT [message]- To make a city-wide sending.
.sending history - To see the last 5 sendings made.While standing near the messenger, we get an error message that we are not close enough to a sender.
Screen Shots:
Just tested IG at the Manticore and the Faceless, both worked. -
Just tested with Messenger Raven in the Old Fishing Hut claimable base.
Confirmed not working:Also IIRC it never worked for any senders I have ever tried, I just didn't care to bug report it because I thought it's only me trying to use it :grinning_face:
This is because they are "secret senders" (all of them are these days)
So you need to use the secret sending dot command.
since all of them are secret senders we either need to change the information to include
.sending secret
or just make them not secret senders -
.sending secret
didn't work either, I tried. -
Pretty sure the ravens are set differently than the kenku.
dot commands never worked with the ravens as far as I know. Anyway, the ones in the druid grove never worked with dot commands. -
Ravens only work via conversation
Kenku work with.send secret
and.sending secret
as just tested IG with Emeraude
Ravens are probly missing a variable, probab bly something like iIsSender or whatever. Would have to check the code.
We should really just make it work using the .sending send command, secret or not, there was never any point in the distinction, you never have one secret and one not secret sender next to each other, so there's no need to make a choice.
@Zool said in Messenger Kenku not recognized as sender:
just make it work using the .sending send command
Should now work with "secret" senders, like the Kenkus.
.sendsecret can still be used, but it just runs the same script and figured out if it's a "secret" sending by checking the nearest sender.
Hopefully I didn't break the entire sending system. Probly not though.
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