[Set]Mortui / Vossler WolfsbloodNo Name Yet / Werewolf App + Other Things
1). Human/Barbarian/Chaotic Evil/Not Made/No Name Yet
2). Werewolf (Natural Born) Subrace, Wildwalker faction membership (If applicable), Berserker Rage on creation.
Goal 1: Return not only the Hullack but all of the surroundings of Arabel to a primeval state of being and nature, where only the strong survive and the weak are hunted and culled.
Goal 1 part a: Corrupt Hullack/Forest spirits through whatever means arise and come to mind to make them spiteful and self serving, if they are not already. Serve and aid spirits that already fit the desired state of being.
Goal 1 part b: Abduct people and leave them in the wilderness so that they may define themselves as either predator or prey and serve the purpose of populating the wilderness, however briefly, with more predator or prey for more competition within the forest.
Goal 1 part c: Host and sponsor hunts in the region that encourages the use of ruthless and cunning tactics to obtain the greatest scores possible, with additional rewards for particularly interesting/noteworthy deeds.Goal 2: Encourage political scheming within the political landscape of Arabel to become more dog-eat-dog than it already is, helping to facilitate political assassinations and thuggery where possible so that the weak and meek cannot hope to hold any offices of power.
Goal 2 part a: Offer services as a thug where applicable to individuals that show promise as 'predators' of the political landscape.
Goal 2 part b: Work for Obyn where possible, as he is the closest current political figure that fits the desired theme.Goal 3: Ultimate goal is to propagate the curse of Lycanthropy amongst worthy followers of my characters' methods and goals, considering it to be the epitome of predation and an honour to be earned by only the finest predators, and thusly spread the curse of Lycanthropy into a plague upon the region.
UPDATED 3/12/2021, re-submitted over discord:
1). Human/Barbarian/Chaotic Evil/Not Made/No Name Yet2). Werewolf (Natural Born) Subrace, Wildwalker faction membership (If applicable), Berserker Rage on creation.
Goal 1: Return not only the Hullack but all of the surroundings of Arabel to a primeval state of being and nature, where only the strong survive and the weak and honourable are hunted and culled.
Goal 1 part a: Corrupt Hullack/Forest spirits to make them spiteful and self serving, if they are not already. This will be accomplished by increasing the quantity and quality of predators within the Forests and wildlands, by making every creature have to fight for its own survival no matter its prior position in the food chain; hopefully influencing the spirits of the Forest to follow after the actual ecosystem in place.
Goal 1 part b: Abduct people and leave them in the wilderness so that they may define themselves as either predator or prey and serve the purpose of populating the wilderness, however briefly, with more predator or prey for more competition within the forest.
Goal 1 part c: Host and sponsor hunts in the region that encourages the use of ruthless and cunning tactics to obtain the greatest scores possible, with additional rewards for particularly interesting/noteworthy deeds.
These hunts will be performed using close quarters combat only, with nothing bigger than a shortsword allowed to make everyone fight similarly to an animal would; bonus points being awarded for the following actions:
a) Poison being used in a way that isn't 'cheating' (poisoning water sources), ensuring that poison/venom that is used is used like a scorpion or spider might, on 'bite' or 'sting'
b) Bare hands or claws (bracers/gauntlets).
c) Hunting other contestants, though not killing them as to ensure that the practice remains more or less 'legal' in Arabel until Goal 2 is accomplished. (And fairness for players sake)
d) Further rules and stipulations added as they come to mind or are suggested in-character, as the act of hunting can always be improved. "Mortui will not just hunt with others, but learn from them. Lead others into dangerous territory to learn their methods of survival, and improve his own hunting habits."-Edited per Mortui, per AcePart C Addendum: Those whom use tactics that are too reminiscent of civilized people and nations will be mauled and have their blood taken by my Lycan, as well as those whom score the lowest, and occassionally even the highest scoring people will have their blood taken as worthy offerings to Malar and the hunt.
Goal 2: Encourage political scheming within the political landscape of Arabel to become more dog-eat-dog than it already is, helping to facilitate political assassinations and thuggery where possible so that the weak and meek cannot hope to hold any offices of power.
Goal 2 part a: I will utilize tactics like hiring bandits and criminals (both PC and NPC) to attack and harass do-gooder politicians, as well as brutalize the supply lines of the city with these bandits so as to spark a 'hunt' for them by the politicians, where tracking and animalistic tactics will offer a distinct advantage for getting retribution and stop further attacks, which will continue until the politicians are suitably remorseless and predatory.
Goal 2 part b: Offer services as a thug where applicable to individuals that show promise as 'predators' of the political landscape.
Part B Addendum: Hire other thugs with my own coin to harass individuals that do not show promise as political predators, stealing their belongings and savagely beating them to encourage them to either drop out of the political race or take up a more predatory nature in retaliation, where they do not trust one another by pitting them against eachother. (Have thugs beat one politican under the supposed orders of another, sowing discontent and distrust even if nothing can be proven openly.)
Goal 2 part c: Work for Obyn where possible, as he is the closest current political figure that fits the desired theme.Goal 3: Ultimate goal is to propagate the curse of Lycanthropy amongst worthy followers of my characters' methods and goals, considering it to be the epitome of predation and an honour to be earned by only the finest predators, and thusly spread the curse of Lycanthropy into a plague upon the region.
Goal 3 part a: Using blood gathered from the hunts and any other beatdowns I might facilitate or do myself, take a more savage and tribal approach to the 'ritual' of transferring lycanthropy by infusing the blood of predators within the bodies of loyal followers when they begin to show true promise as predators. (Ideally causing them to become cursed with Lycanthropy that isn't the werewolf kind, which could backfire against myself as I would gain a competitor and rival this way.) -
@Lord_Acererak said in Mortui / No Name Yet / Werewolf App + Other Things:
Goal 1: Return not only the Hullack but all of the surroundings of Arabel to a primeval state of being and nature, where only the strong survive and the weak are hunted and culled.
Goal 1 part a: Corrupt Hullack/Forest spirits through whatever means arise and come to mind to make them spiteful and self serving, if they are not already. Serve and aid spirits that already fit the desired state of being.Not clear on how they are gonna go about this in game.
Goal 1 part b: Abduct people and leave them in the wilderness so that they may define themselves as either predator or prey and serve the purpose of populating the wilderness, however briefly, with more predator or prey for more competition within the forest.
Ok cool, can use beatdown and rope mechanics to do this.
Goal 1 part c: Host and sponsor hunts in the region that encourages the use of ruthless and cunning tactics to obtain the greatest scores possible, with additional rewards for particularly interesting/noteworthy deeds.
This is pretty cool. Would like to see how they are gonna encourage the ruthless and cunning part. Supply them with traps/caltrops/choking powder/poisons??? (and remove their other weapons?)
Goal 2: Encourage political scheming within the political landscape of Arabel to become more dog-eat-dog than it already is, helping to facilitate political assassinations and thuggery where possible so that the weak and meek cannot hope to hold any offices of power.
Ok cool. How though?
Goal 2 part a: Offer services as a thug where applicable to individuals that show promise as 'predators' of the political landscape.
Goal 2 part b: Work for Obyn where possible, as he is the closest current political figure that fits the desired theme.
Goal 3: Ultimate goal is to propagate the curse of Lycanthropy amongst worthy followers of my characters' methods and goals, considering it to be the epitome of predation and an honour to be earned by only the finest predators, and thusly spread the curse of Lycanthropy into a plague upon the region.
Long term thing that may or (probably) may not happen. Sure.
Wildwalkers will probably not let him corrupt spirits. That would break the balance between them.
BUT there are plenty of spirits that fit he can serve. Like Twelve or Garagont (I think that is the name? Spiffy! make him the Savage's servant!)He can join the wildwalkers, but wont gain rank or access to groves (unless we change who accesses).
Otherwise, sure!
I think we can stand to play fast and loose with druid powers- if a druid can change a spirit into a different entity, is it corruption?
Plenty of awful things in nature. Not necessarily corruption
Goal 1 is okay, but again why would a wildwalker corrupt spirits? I agree with Matriarch's comments about joining the faction but he should look to serve Garagon more than trying to corrupt/change anything we have in existence.
Goal 2 is ... meh. Why would a wildwalker care about scheming in city politics? They would be awful at it first off because that's not the kind of stuff a barbarian type PC would know much about. (Which is why I had Sov be awful at it).
Goal 3 is kinda cool but VERY dependent on the DMs to approve an app of anyone he wants to infect. Also infected werewolves end up going crazy, so why would a natural born, who generally see themselves as above infected, want to infect others? -
This concept seems more like someone trying to meddle in druid politics, who is in fact a barbarian, not a druid. Its a Tribal take on attempted druiding.
Can someone who thinks this app is good, summarise quickly what cool fun stuff they will be doing in game to make things cool for other players while DM's aren't online running things?
(Not how they will roleplay)
At the moment I don't really see much here, it's a little... brain farty as well, a bit random sprinkles of this and that, though that bothers me less than not really seeing what they are going to do in game beyond be lycan barb..
I guess it all depends what he means by corrupt. If he means confincing them to be more agressive toward defending nature or upholding some of nature's more violent tendencies, sure! As long as its not the only aspects of nature represented then I see no issues.
If he means twist them out of Balance and make them go crazy to the point it would damage the natural ways, then no. He'd get the druids on his ass fast.He could try to awaken more hunter spirits too. Or wake up the lazy ones around.
Do you guys want me to reach out and ask him to expand on the above points? @Zool
@Lord_Acererak said in Mortui / No Name Yet / Werewolf App + Other Things:
Do you guys want me to reach out and ask him to expand on the above points? @Zool
@Zool said in Mortui / No Name Yet / Werewolf App + Other Things:
Can someone who thinks this app is good, summarise quickly what cool fun stuff they will be doing in game to make things cool for other players while DM's aren't online running things?
(Not how they will roleplay)
At the moment I don't really see much here, it's a little... brain farty as well, a bit random sprinkles of this and that, though that bothers me less than not really seeing what they are going to do in game beyond be lycan barb..
Have at it @Lord_Acererak. See what you can find out please. :)
@Lord_Acererak said in Mortui / No Name Yet / Werewolf App + Other Things:
From conversation with Mortui
Doesn't really expand much, we knew about the beat people up and leave me in the forest thing (It's pretty cool - just not sure there's enough in that alone)
I'm pushing for more stuff, as I don't want us to deny Dextar's player, then not hold this one up to the same standard.
Just posted an updated version of the app which he sent in.
@Lord_Acererak said in Mortui / No Name Yet / Werewolf App + Other Things:
Just posted an updated version of the app which he sent in.
Cool, I had a chat with him so hopefully it helped.
I'm kinda ok with it now, but would like to hear what some others who have held off on voting have to say.
Can't be in the Wild Walker faction. Needs to be Neutral on some axis. The rest is fine though.
Moving this to confirmation.
Werewolf yes
Rage at start yes
Wild walker faction NO -
@Prof-Misclick said in Mortui / No Name Yet / Werewolf App + Other Things:
Werewolf yes
Rage at start yes
Wild walker faction NOOkay.