Reduce traps count
With traps functioning again, there are far too many of them in pretty much all quests, and in quests that don't make any real sense for having them in. Like ants, for instance. Ants wouldn't lay traps. And if they were old traps, I'm sure they would have been long-since triggered by the scurrying of six-legged insects.
Maybe someone else put the traps there in ants, some mysterious figure attending the tombs or something?
Traps also serve the purpose of rogues being useful or rogues getting traps. ( so the traps should be useful, not minor traps)
Agree that there should be traps. But not 10+ per quest. That's just ridiculous.
Yeah the trap count in ants and starwater tomb is a bit much, While it makes rogues useful it also makes the quest very costly on healing if you don't have a rogue.
I just saw everyone just step though all the traps in starwater tomb anyway, so either they need to be stronger to make people respect them, or might aswell just remove them, I understand the healing argument, but with the amount of wands currently on the server I doubt thats a problem for anyone.
You could make it tangle traps maybe? wouldnt would find that extremely annoying and it wouldnt cost any healing.
having been poisoned repeatedly in star water tomb and dieing 3 times as a result i can say that the traps are not insignificant. (i didnt spot them alright!)
DC20 poison that drops your con to 3 is not a laughing matter.
After seeing how traps were disregarded I went ahead and spent the better part of an afternoon to track the bug and then refactor the entire thing. Traps serve a purpose and newer types of traps will also be introduced :)
Better start making friends with a local Rogue!
Quests shouldn't -need- a rogue though or be practically undoable or not worth doing if there isn't a rogue online or around.
Its not that you have a door you cant unlock mind.
Its a trap you need to notice and avoid, which you can spend skill points on any class(Including Wizard) to develop :) -
@Strife-and-Discord said in Reduce traps count:
Its not that you have a door you cant unlock mind.
Its a trap you need to notice and avoid, which you can spend skill points on any class(Including Wizard) to develop :)This. Also
Don't get me wrong, having traps on quests is something I quite like. Just not having 20+ spiketraps in a single one. The number count is pretty ridiculous on some quests.
@sharkinajar said in Reduce traps count:
Don't get me wrong, having traps on quests is something I quite like. Just not having 20+ spiketraps in a single one. The number count is pretty ridiculous on some quests.
Dont worry! We will be slowly changing the Spike traps to other types :)
My two cents:
Poison is fine but reducing people to 2 con constantly is very resource intensive. Need more antidote drops.
Also, rogues should have a use, using a dwarf or orc to activate traps should be feasible but have some risks.
In short: hard quests are fibe but more, better loot drops should be expected.
@JoeKickAss said in Reduce traps count:
My two cents:
Poison is fine but reducing people to 2 con constantly is very resource intensive. Need more antidote drops.
Also, rogues should have a use, using a dwarf or orc to activate traps should be feasible but have some risks.
In short: hard quests are fibe but more, better loot drops should be expected.
Thanks Joe. When you have a moment could you post the any more details of the poIson and which quests?
It will be helpful and save time if we don’t have to go through them all to investigate this.
There also is a bit of xp when they are disarmed.
@Cadiz @Gloomy_Sunday and I did the starwater tomb (the eveningstar quest), the traps were all poison, and very strong poison. Have to say, I have done it since and the traps were okay. Maybe some kind of RNG element?
I dont think there is an issue with traps, they should be plentiful and some powerful ones - more because a rogue should be able to get a trap collection for pvp/pve shenanigans. Too many powerful ones can be problematic. I'd say only poison are actual killers as long as you have someone healing on standby.
There is a neg energy trap in Redwood that can be triggered multiple times.
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