Wrath of Hateful Child Could Use a Look
Did this quest today with 3 people.
2 level 10's and a level 9.
Got a bunch of skeleton sorcerers, archers, demonic ghouls and voidwraiths.
The three loot chests at the end of the quest spawned with:
1 lesser restoration
the barbarian rags
a heal kitOne item in each chest.
The one chest that had a trap had weak spike trap instead of the usually lethal ones.
The challenge wasn't insurmountable, we still had one death despite being over prepared and liberal with consumables, but the reward feels really off for the challenge and general vibe of the quest.
It's short and sweet, but it could use a bit of loot love, I think.
on a positive note, at least the variety of spawns i added worked
as for loot... it pulls from one chest which contains.. 28 items. none of which were a healing kit so.. idk how that happened.
@Dire-Rabbit said in Wrath of Hateful Child Could Use a Look:
The one chest that had a trap had weak spike trap instead of the usually lethal ones.
the lethal ones were removed a long while back because people insta-died from them unless they metagamed them being there
Please Please Please don't put the lethal traps back... I didn't know it had a lethal trap on it on my druid and with FULL health at level 9 I got instakilled
@Latoksinned i have no intention to put them back
@Dire-Rabbit said in Wrath of Hateful Child Could Use a Look:
It's short and sweet, but it could use a bit of loot love, I think.
another waypoint added 8637
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