Alter Weather Bugs
The text on the spell radial doesn't show up correctly. But the icons are intuitive so you can figure out what the right things are. The rain is named Drown, the sun has a mixing tag, the snow is called Drown too.
Additionally, you can't imbue an alter weather wand, but when you try, it casts the spell and starts the new weather.
Will look into it the next time I have a hak version.
Spell description as well as the spell variant names should properly appear as of version 20241129 Strife 8624. Please confirm once its live.
The imbuing part is not a bug but a matter of configuration. Will be handled once we have time to add new spells.
@Strife-and-Discord Sorry, yes, confirmed it two days ago except I didn't try a wand. Will post again when I do.
@Mr-Moloch The spell works in the area. The spell can still not be imbued on a wand.
@Mr-Moloch said in Alter Weather Bugs:
@Mr-Moloch The spell works in the area. The spell can still not be imbued on a wand.
@Strife-and-Discord said in Alter Weather Bugs:
The imbuing part is not a bug but a matter of configuration. Will be handled once we have time to add new spells.
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