A redressing of the Death Penalty and Cleric Raises
isnt that a single-player game where you play the main character?
arabel is a multiplayer game where no one (and everyone?) is the main character
systems that work for single-player arent going to translate to a multiplayer persistent worldthat said, the death penalty stuff is under discussion in the DM forums and we'll make an announcement when a decision is reached
I didnt bring up the comparisons to Dark Souls.
Voss did -
never said you did
The DM Team appreciates all the input in this thread. We have discussed several options to make death more "fun", ways of implementing some of the "death mechanics" suggested here, and the challenge of balancing the 'consequence' of dying with the "fun" of story progression. Due to the intensive restructuring of the death system and the implementation of new features that will need more than just a "bandaid fix" that could be done in the short-term, any changes to the death system will be included in the next Chapter of the server, at such point in time that it is released.
@Echo Considering we just lost another player to the death penalty what's the update on finally lowering it BACK to the PREVIOUS percentage of 15% so we don't look like we might as well whitelight your PC and start over for all the shit you lose?
@Zolm Did they quit because they died, or did they quit because the exp penalty was 5% or whatever more than the desired 15% change?
@Swifty-Willownall Mate. The respawn penalty is 25%. I am not respawning upon death anymore either.
@Zolm Could you do me a favor and point to me where it lists the exp penalty on the forum? I did a search and all I could find was this thing back in 2019.
https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/47159/incorrect-xp-penalty-for-respawn?_=1734771627005 -
@Swifty-Willownall I honestly don't know where they actually posted it beyond possibly in the thread where the disaster happened or in the changelog in announcements.
what if instead of just XP debt you get minuses to AB, AC Skills, Hp etc and that stays until the XP debt is paid off. it provides a signifucant consequence yet not loss of basic abilities.
Just anything, really.
And to others, FYI: I haven't deleted Ithirina and I intend to come back IF the death penalty gets changed. But only if. For now, I'm playing on other servers.
Death System Related Changes:
We have tweaked the XP penalties, lowering them from their current level. The changes are as follows:
- Respawn XP Penalty reduced from 25% to 20%
- Raise Dead XP Penalty(Via PC/NPC Priest or Scroll) reduced from 15% to 10%
- Resurrection XP Penalty(Via NPC or Scroll) reduced from 10% to 5%
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