Lighthouse Mechanism on Wyvernwater Isle broken
We managed to recover the required item, and Corianne succeeded at the skill check. Nevertheless, it says it remains broken and there are some "please report" notices.
the conversation file isnt missing. i'm looking at it right now
did a thing to try to fix
has anyone tried it since i made the change?
The message no longer appears - but the overall behavior is still the same. Corianne succeeds at the skill check and then it says that she failed and gives up.
baby steps...
Just a little bump. It is still broken.
yes i know
but it doesnt prevent you from completing the quest
so yes, it's a bug, and when i figure it out, it will be fixed -
another (final) attempt to fix v8594
if this doesnt work i'll just remove it -
convo works now
possible fix on the privately reported issue v8599 -
@EyeOfGruumsh any further issues with the exploit you sent me?
Sorry for not having posted here - confirmed as fixed.
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on