issue with stores
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Time: Description:
i have been putting crafted wands into the store but they all seem to turn into the first type of wand i placed there. in my case mw ones.
i placed 2 lifebolt ones in before the reset and now there are 3 mw
i placed a gmw one in this reset which persists currently ( for reference if reset happens again)
@Strife-and-Discord -
Is this the first time you saw such issue with crafted wands?
It worked fine before the reset and only looked weird after the reset?
Did you see any other examples like this? -
i only noticed it this time, but think that i placed a lifebolt wand previously that also turned into a mw wand. that would have been before the weekend as i was afk all weekend.
if there is a reset i can check the gmw wand -
just checked store, the gmw wand has morphed into a mw wand
It looks like it the case also with the other wands too, which you havent checked. Bless transformed to Sleep for example.
Issue should be fixed going forward from version 20240508 Strife 8329, for new items only.
Please confirm after a reset for several consecutive resets to ensure its indeed resolved.
@Cadiz please make sure to reply to my questions via Discord if you want me to manually fix the items in the DB.
seesm to be stable after recent reset
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