fungal ruins quest
Fungal Ruins(7-10)
Party Size: 2-10
Fungal Ruins, located in Redwoods, Helmsborderwithing the quest there is a nitre sealed gate that blocks access to the rest of the quest. having spent 10 minutes trying to get through with both memebers of the party buffed and pushing on the door we gave up.
suggestion is, either remove this door or reduce the dc for opening to a level where a 2 man party can ctually open it (we used items and buffs so had a combined str of about 40)
It can be picked but I get what you mean. If say fighters go in, doubt any of them will have pick lock as a skill.
Maybe an alternate route with some tough climbs?
that was my thought tbh, similar to the yuanti quest castle.
currently it is a quest that will not get done without a specific party formation
@TheMinionOfArabel said in fungal ruins quest:
Maybe an alternate route with some tough climbs?
Meant to be, maybe they were missed! Will look into it
It is also kind of nice if lock-picking is occasionally somewhat relevant… a balancing issue, I guess. Most of the time, it seems like someone will just use chimes to open locks even if there is someone around who could have a look at things the old-fashioned way.
@EyeOfGruumsh said in fungal ruins quest:
Most of the time, it seems like someone will just use chimes to open locks even if there is someone around who could have a look at things the old-fashioned way.
That's IC I would say, if people dont let others shine with their skills that should be an IC discussion!
Added a climb check point, lowered the DC for pushing the door open a bit. Live v8256
P Puffy moved this topic from Suggestions on
IC, my character would not care about shining with that kind of skill. Why should she (or anyone?) bring something like that up? And how? As in „hey, I could have picked that lock!“? - that might elicit a laugh, perhaps..
I also do not really care that much OOC either, it’s just not making full use of potential.