The Assault Upon Griffin Hill
If the reports are true, then it is a moot argument and we no longer have access to the Wondergrange nor the Marches as a whole.
I do agree with Master Glendur that the Commonfolk are not our enemies. If anything we should find the means to liberate them and turn them to work for our side. Making them starve is barbaric and unbecoming of the edicts of the Divine Right.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
Given that our options seem to have narrowed we must seek alternative routes.
I believe that the archmage has been contracted?
Maybe it might be possible to alter his terms and use him for a lesser issue, a portal into Tilverton or some such that we can use to attempt a lightning raid to remove Obyn and avoid the looming battle, saving countless lives.
The tunnels can be cleared.
We cannot let this sabotage go unpunished.
An investigation is ongoing
According to reports of the aftermath, it seems that it would take weeks if not months to clear this rubble. With respect, Apprentice, we are not going to wait until you find the time to clear the rubble.
Given the sudden change of the terrain, I shall prepare a proper battle plan.
If you wish to continue clearing the rubble, do so but I doubt the Council or the Crown will allocate any more resources for it.Signed,
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
Ahh but we have a druid, If only they could perform magics to call forth earth elementals to remove the rubble.
I for one find myself utterly lacking in faith as you as a Commander
The mines are unstable and unsuited for an army's passage.
Yes, magic can fix this- but not quickly, not easily, or not without great cost.
We're not fixing some near abandoned mines filled with monsters so we can push forward with the original plan. War calls on us to change strategy, and this is what we must do.
Perform the investigation, punish the culprits, we move onto more important things.
- Dame Drakesbane
Certainly Dame Drakesbane
I do however call for a new Commander.
I will state my case in a seperate file
Dame Drakesbane,
Find written here a copy of our confession to the action yesterday.
Know that these actions were done for the benefit of all Arabel, and know that we will be counted when the battle arrives. On the fornt line of the first charge if you beleive that is where we ought to be.
So good of you to confess Archer
There were others involved though.
They will be found.
The King will stand in judgment of you all.
You are hereby charged with the following:
- The theft of military supplies for the War Effort.
- The assault of armed personnel guarding the warehouse.
- The destruction of Crown Property in the collapse of the Hillmarch Mines, totaling untold costs and damages.
- Whatever else the King feels like charging you with.
As the poster is essentially a confession, Archer, you won't be having a trial, but a sentencing.
It would behoove you to include any co-conspirators.
- Dame Drakesbane
The Fellowship acted in this as we have confessed, your plan for the Marches was ill concieved and would have done ill to the city.
This action has done what we the Fellowship planned in stoppering the passage, we were willing to do it with our men as i offered previously but we were forced to this action by the inability of anyone to listen to reason.
As a result, the city is not bankrupt and our attention can be focused on what actually needs doing "now" - winning this war.
I offer the Fellowship to raid Tilverton's lines, to seek to find a way to Obyn and end this war without the blood of thousands being spilled.
It wasn't just the fellowship
Cease lying.
The other way left us with access to sortie through to Tilverton and target their supplies and food stores.
A siege will now be prolonged. More lives will be ended. The suffering will echo for quite some time.
You have undermined the will of our Their Royal Highnesses. The actions of you and your co-conspirators actions favour only their enemies within Tilverton.
What is worse, it is the Obsidian Skulls who will bear the brunt of this treacherous act in the battles to come.
There will be an accounting.
D. Dall
Son of Lord Dalemon Dall
Obsidian Skull Barracks
Slingdyke -
I am feeling generous.
Whilst it amuses and infuriates me greatly in equal measure that the Fellowship still wish to take sole responsibility for this when it should be clear to anyone with a degree of intellect above a goblin suffering severe head trauma this is not the case, I do not wish them to die needlessly
I shall offer the details of a spell I have been working on, Iverlesks Furious Storm which shall cause a conflagration of lightning to destroy the barricades.
I had been planning to use this upon a tentacled monstrosity that has been plaguing the region yet plans must change.
Esvele doesn't seem interested in the spell unless I cast it myself, There is no chance of this happening until the Fellowship begin to show some contrition and co-operate with the ongoing investigation into the sabotage of the mines.
I have no faith in their ability to be able to protect me as the spell is performed as it will take some time to cast leaving me vulnerable
The golem I may consider selling to the fellowship if it is ready before the Assualt.
I would agree with Esvele that you ought to be the one to cast the experimental spell, your intimate knowledge of the workings of it would surely be required or would you have someone merely read a scroll and not know the extend and effect of the thing?
The success or failure fo the mission may well be down to your decision in this, this more than anything else ought to guide your action not whether you have scored points by forcing some one that you assaulted to bend to your will.
As for the mines, i refer you to the posters i placed.
And I still know you are lying.
I am done with this.
The Fellowship will receive no aid from me in this.
I shall advise House Mossmere to pull the research funding we graciously provide to Lady Winters as well as it is evident none of you are capable of even a basic bit of research
While we are getting ready to take Griffin Hill, I believe it is imperative to bring to up something that might not be known to most. There was an isolated incident not long ago, where a group of adventurers that were led on some mission by the Apprentice and the Skulls were taken captive by the Ravens and into a hidden tunnel that was dug south of the Griffin Hill towards Arabel.
While the kidnapped adventurers were rescued and the tunnel was collapsed, it made me think that perhaps this is not the sole tunnel. Such tunnels can either be used to bypass our forces all the way to Arabel or encircle our approaching force on Griffon Hill.
Wildwalker Fergusoni, would it be possible for you to identify any possible unnatural tunnels that were excavated just south of the Griffin Hill? I believe being able to locate these tunnels, if they exist, and destroy them would be a boon for us in the assault to come.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
@toportime FYI
I have checked north of the city and have only fournd the crevice just south of Slingdykes entrance hat leads to the sewers near The Crow Statue. There are also the old smuggling tunnels on the northern side of the Outskirts of Moonsea Ride that have various exits into the sewers, thout most can only be accessed by small cretures.
I have searched the Hillmarch mines and found no signs of digging through the rubble. There is also indirect paths through the Helmlands and via the Redwood to other Cave systems the lead to the sewers. There is also the long path through the Stonelands and the mountains to near the Cave systems that indirectly lead to the Crevice along the High road near the stoncliffs that lead to the sewers.
I belive those are the only feassible routes that lead from the north to the city.
- Barra
Wildwalker Fergusoni,
Thank you for beginning your search. The entrance to the mentioned tunnel was just south of the mausoleum in the Stonebolt Trail which can be seen in this map:
I would recommend that you focus some extra efforts in this area, to ensure there are no tunnels that can be used to ambush or encircle our approaching force as we take on the Griffin Hill. It is the kind of subterfuge I would expect from the Duke and his men ((OOC: You might need some DM oversight for this like @Voss_ / @SpiffyMeister / @Hangman ).
Should you require any additional funds or resources to entice the local adventurers to assist you, do let me know.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
@toportime FYI