The Eastern Marches Campaign
It seems currently myself and Wildwalker Barra have voted for strengthening the ward with Ser Cormaeril opting for damming the Marches
We are awaiting votes from Skull Volkov and Glendur and technically the Crown Guard representative but they have so far not gotten involved with council duties at all
I trust there will be no changing of votes permitted.
[Note removed]
Votes can be changed at least until the voting period ends.
Clerk Boris
Fellows councilmen,
I have deliberated over this, and there are many merits to each of the plans.
The plan penned by the fellowship is as good as no plan at all. Any scouts within the region would be attacked by the many planar threats, and as much as it would amuse me to see them slaughtered by their own hubris, it does not serve any of our purposes to see this actually happen.
The Commander's plan at first looks solid, it costs little. However the defensive force would need to contend with attacks from all sides by many types of foe, Devils, Celestials, Obyns forces. In order to be effective the dam would essentially have to also function as a keep.
At first glance the apprentice's plan seems idiotic, almost as if it were penned by the hand of an imbecile, however we do need to deal with the planar threat in this region and see the land repaired and made whole again. The threat posed from incursions from other planes cannot be underestimated, and it is even possible that such foes would bolster our own enemies armies. Furthermore, if we adopt this approach, a defensive unit would only need to be defending against a single enemy force, who will likely attack in a conventional manner from the north.
I believe in spite of requiring great expense, and appearing as if we are tackling two problems at once, the plan involving strengthening the planar ward is the best plan to go with. The Obsidian Skulls are experts in holding and defending an area, and I believe a contingent of our finest defenders can be put to this purpose, and ensure that our enemy cannot send a force through the Eastern Marches and flank our main attack.
In light of several considerations raised by the Commander, that the Kings advisors are not accurately able to tell the difference between an archmage and a wandering madman, I have recieved assurances that the man in question is more than capable of performing the task for which he shall be paid.
Skull Dominik Volkov
We must also consider that Issacson is an infernalist, Skilled at conjuring and binding large numbers of fiends.
If we do not deal with the Planar situation in the Eastern Marches this presents Issacson the chance to use the fiends there against us.
After all what are barricades and blockades to things that can fly .
The vote has been sitting for days with a small majority for strengthening the ward
Wildwalker Barra also voted for strenghtening the ward before removing the vote and seemingly remaining neutral
As nobody else has bothered to vote I would suggest the voting come to a close
With respect, Apprentice, I do not believe it is a sound idea to have the fate of the entire realm's success in the war to be decided by only a fraction of the council.
I am sure that should your proposal would have been the one to receive less traction, you would have also made sure every vote was cast and asked for more time. Allow the same courtesy here as well and do not dismiss the voice of our fellow councilmen.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
I have voted for the moderate plan, i clearly would prefer my own especially after the fellowship has offered to garrison the Shield Marches pass.
However, with the vote currently tipping towards beggaring the kingdom to bring about a situation that has virtually no benefit towards the war effort for the sake of the apprentice trying to make himself look iimportant and probably some underlying plot to enhance the influence of Mossmere i will vote for any otehr credible alternative and so Mordecai's plan has more votes than my own so i will place mine there.
Who else is left to vote Commander? To my knowledge the Crown Guard have not even taken a seat in the council.
I agree with the apprentice, let us move on from voting.
Skull Dominik Volkov
Someone find Finwick and tell him he's the new Crown Guard representative.
- Saga Drakesbane
I've written to let him know he's the new reprentative
Dame Drakesbane,
whilst the issue of Volkov still remains, I suggest we suspend this vote.
If my allegations are correct, we cannot have a spy feeding our plans back to the enemy and therefore must not take any decision for now.
If you have something to accuse me of, then at least speak with me on the matter. 'The issue of Volkov' I am no spy, and I defy you to find any evidence that this is more than an assault upon a man because of his chosen faith, a faith I have a legal right to practice!
Skull Volkov
This has gone on long enough.
Dame Drakesbane I ask that the voting be ended. Despite being brough onto the council to vote Ash has not done so and has refused your instruction to vote
We cannot continually delay these matters.
I belive the Guard representative has been given plenty of time to cast his vote, but he has chosen not to. I second the movement to end the voting.
- Barra
I will give him one more day.
- Dame Drakesbane
Dame Drakesbane
It’s folly to vote on this matter ahead of the trial. If Volkov is found guilty, will we push ahead regardless? Knowing full well the enemy know our plans?
Adrian is fulfilling the roll of petulant little spare; stamping his feet because he risks being deprived of his ward strengthening venture.
I implore you to realise that Adrian’s insistence that we forge ahead comes from a place of selfish ambition, not concern for the war effort.
I am in agreement with Iverlesk; to be paralysed by indecision gives your enemies time and advantage.
The actions of the Crown Guard representative in attempting to drive a wedge between the Skull's and our employers, along with his attempt to stall the Council motion for action, is even more suspicious than the note of dubious provenance that he planted upon my brother Skull, Volkov.
As the good Dame has seen fit to grant a further day, I extend the opportunity for others to follow Apprentice Iverlesk's fine example of cooperation and seek me out for civilised discourse.*
D. Dall
Obsidian Skull Barracks
Slingdyke- All meetings billable by the hour, first hour free. Accepted method of payment is local currency. Other forms of payment considered on an case by case basis.
If you continue to delay I will have Immerdusk curb your pay, guardsman.
- Drakesbane