Potential member: Najeem
I oppose this appointment,
He has declared his intent to do harm unto adherents of The Black Chalice. I would remind the good people of the council that the Black Chalice, is not an outlawed faith.
Skull Dominik Volkov
No, Its a heresy though and the "High Priest" is an infernalist.
You wouldnt be supporting infernalists now would you Volkov?
I would be supporting arresting and executing infernalists rather than claiming an entire religion and all of its adherents to be infernalists.
I was told you read books.
Skull Dominik Volkov
The fact that minutes after my objection is lodged you make a sending for the transcendence to discuss 'potential heretics' is telling.
Tell me iverlesk, do you support all criminals or just those with a religious theme?
Skull Dominik Volkov
Don't argue over others recommendations or rejections, you say your piece and that's that. Apprentice, stop causing fights.
Dame Drakesbane
I can also point to several Mystran Infernalists.
Clearly we must outlaw Mystranism.
Clerk Boris
I will answer your question with one of my own - Why does he need a seat in the council in order to act? I have seen the missive that he sent to the council, and I find myself unable to understand how does membership shackles his hands and that of his other companions from taking action.
If you intend him to take one of the seats of merit, then should he not display merit beyond shadow of a doubt as a valuable asset to the Crown and the realm? Knowing geography of a patch of sand and being a skilled tracker, while admirable, is not what one would constitute earning a merit seat.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
I know it appears this matter is closed but I would like to, as a recent member of the council, add my opinion.
After last nights events, when the sea beasts attacked the city walls, the Transcendence stood tall. I have seen Najeem and his band of colleagues wield their weapons and wits numerous times.
Without them, I am told by those in attendance, we would not have had the capability to slay the werewolves troubling our fine city.
The seats of merit sit empty still. Yet we are stronger with the involvement of the Transcendence, I vote in their favour; if it is not Najeem then perhaps Addi and his seemingly endless summons?
He has aided admirably with the Wraithhowl situation as well.
Whilst not connected to the War it has undeniably aided the Kingdom. This is worthy of consideration
What say the Fellowship to this? After all it was mostly the Archers campaign
The Transcendence has indicated that it wishes to extinguish the Black Chalice, worshippers of the divine right, because they believe that they are best placed to tell people how to worship the Gods. There will be those within our armies that are also adherents to the Black Chalice, so long as they break no laws they are entitled by law to worship as they see fit.
This is a war upon Obyn and Isaacson for human sacrifice and Infernalism, it is not a holy crusade, it is important that we ensure that distinction is clear or we risk making this a holy war.
Obyn would then be able to gather allies from other lands who worship Gods with views compatible with his own, and to give chests of gold to High Priests of these Gods to send vast armies.Personally, I believe it is folly to even permit these agitators within the Transcendence to remain within the Kingdom, and if they truly wish to eliminate blasphemy they would do best to concentrate more on solving the riddle of the silence, and less on alienating citizens who have breached no laws.
Let the people worship as they see fit, as the Kings law permits.
Skull Dominik Volkov
Ser, perhaps you let your own religious views cloud your judgement here?
Najeem is a reasonable and extremely capable man. I believe he will temper his personal views in the official setting of the council. He knows the setting is not for discussion of religion, but discussion of war strategy.
I would ask you to rethink once more and cast your vote with the safety of the city in mind, rather than the safety of your right to practice religion in accordance with the law - which comes into no question.
Ash -
What I believe or do not believe is not at issue here, the issue is whether a man who wishes to 're-educate' people who are citizens of the Kingdom who have broken no laws, is well placed to give advice on the waging of the current war.
Skull Dominik Volkov
Yet again I fear you're confusing the purpose of this council - we're here to discuss and plan for the war.
Najeem knows that and would not bring his views into the council halls. He would bring his considerable expertise in combat.
You have my answer on this matter.
His considerable expertise in swinging a sharpened piece of steel best serves us on the battlefield and not in a place where we discuss the direction of the war.
Skull Dominik Volkov
This is what I am talking about.. I have not mentioned my faith, nor have I championed it, however this rabble rouser looks to use it as a weapon in order to increase his groups influence within the Kingdom.
Who within the council speaks to this man? Who has inferred my faith and told this person knowing that I would be a target for his group of zealots?
How would you respond to this?
Skull Volkov
Neither has Najeem mentioned your faith. I am sure Phil acts alone but perhaps Ser Cormaeril can bring this up in their meeting.
Actions outside the council, by those not in contention to join the council, should not inform the worthiness of those seeking a seat to assist us in obtaining a victory in this war.
Disallowing Najeem because someone he associates with has insulted you would be as folly as questioning your intent based on the actions of the three thugs who were a part of the Skulls a number of months back.
I bring this to your attention.
There are a fair number of adherents to the Black Chalice within the Obsidian Skulls, men who are fighting against your enemy on behalf of the King. Men who's loyalty should not be questioned any more than followers of any other God.
Perhaps you would like to follow the Transcendence's advice though, and have them represented on the council, and ask us to take our business elsewhere.
Skull Dominik Volkov
How about instead of debating why a man should or shouldnt be admitted you vote on the outstanding matter at hand regarding the Eastern Marches?
Skull Dominik Volkov