Arcane Project: Spheres of Dismissal
Given that these are currently only theorized to work, I would recommend that you work on the fabrication of one sphere(Preferably of each size) and organize a field test to validate that they will indeed accomplish the intended function.
If we cannot validate that will work as intended, it might be best to move our attention and your prime efforts elsewhere.
Should the spheres be validated to work as intended, kindly stipulate a number of spheres that we will need to fabricate to be an effective deterrent in the battlefield, given your expertise, and obtain effort and time estimations from Senior Retainer Tanya of House Gallica for the completion.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander in the Council of Twelve Peers
We will need somewhere with a potent fiendish presence to test them on then.
Perhaps the Eastern Marches though so far I have only seen minor fiends there.
One step at a time, Apprentice.
Let us worry first about the fabrication of the prototype. Once it is finished we will find a suitable place to test it.Signed,
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander in the Council of Twelve Peers
Tanya has delivered the prototype throwable orb.
It requires filling with the water from the eastern marches and blessing by priests and imbuing with the dismissal spell before testing
The prototype has been filled with the infused waters from the Eastern Marches, it now needs blessing by Tychus or Meroigrin, prefably both.
After that it needs imbuing with the dismissal spell and it will be ready for testing.
These will be vital for the war if it works well and can be mass produced, I have been informed Tilverton has fiendish soldiers on the walls
I have spoken with Meroigrin
She wishes to perform the blessing in Maelas boarding house in Immersea and as a tithe wishes a shrine to Cyrollae built there.
I have advised her this is more likely to be possible if the prototype works and they go to full production
I will seek out Tychus
Meroigrin perfomed the blessing at Gallicas farm
All that remains is imbuing a gem with the spell and placing it in the orb and it will be ready for testing
Rosa has polished and enchanted gems ready to hold the spells of dismissal.
Once the spell is imbued the prototype is ready for testing.
Do we have a target in mind?
The prototype still needs testing
Unfortunately the sabotage of the mines means we cannot test it in the Eastern Marches and I know of no other place where it could be tested as waiting until a battle to test the prototype is folly.
I do not suggest this lightly but the only way I see to test it is for the Crown to grant a conjurer a waiver from prosecution and the means to summon fiends under controlled supervision.
The orbs can then be tested so we do not go into battle with untested equipment
House Mossmere can summon devils just fine.
- Saga Drakesbane
Dame Drakesbane
I am certain that House Mossmere could summon them yes. However as an evocation specialist I cannot cast conjuration spells.
I was hoping to use this as more of a test of the Fellowships loyalty to the Crown, One of their members should be the one to do the summoning under supervision
After all, they caused the Marches to be inacessable preventing the planned test. Them taking at least one step to fix at least some of the mess they caused would be a good step.
The fellowship are loyal to the city and it's populace, requiring anyone to be forced to summon devil and demons is asking more than is reasonable however.
Should you decide that loyalty is defined by being willing to corrupt one's soul in this way then maybe there is something inherently wrong here in the city?
@Cadiz You are claiming the Fellowship is loyal to the city? When they claimed the explosion that went against the decision made via the council vote?
- Barra
I do believe that no descision had been ratified at the time, but that is moot.
Your priority is your own, and clearly you are focused on the planar issue. Indeed as many druids are known to actively dislike the city and its " unnatural" variance from wilderness, so this is no surprise.
The closing of the HIllmarch paths is the best course for the city with regards to this war, we will aid you resolve the Planar issues there in whatever way you deem fit as a custodian of the lands - once the war is won.
Both Volkov and I are quite proficient with arcane practices integral to the Conjuration school of magic.
If the Obsidian Skull can assist in development of weapons, we are quite prepared to assist.
D. Dall
Son of Lord Dalemon Dall
Obsidian Skull Barracks
Slingdyke -
Archer, I was unaware you or anyone in the Fellowship or even Gallicas little Arcane Guild were an Archmage.
Infact you clearly display an utter lack of Arcane Knowledge.
Whilst it should not be done lightly, The act alone of summoning a fiend does not corrupt ones soul. To damn ones self you would have to enter into a pact with one.
I refer you to the lawbook
-Magical Crimes- Animation or Control of the Undead. Summoning of planar beings from both lower and higher planes. Magical tampering with memory, mental states, or other compositions of an individual's body or their humors.
The act of summoning one is a magical crime if not given waiver by the Crown
Making a pact however would be worship of the indecent
So you're torture magically of my compatriot Estele falls under this legislation then - "Magical tampering with memory, mental states, or other compositions of an individual's body or their humors."
I will be sure to pass that along to the Crown guard.
I didn't torture her.
She was simply hit with an illusion that gave her a good scare
A lax militia man ordered I release her when I was taking her for questioning
Quite why members of the Fellowship don't expect to be questioned when they parade around the city after you admitted treason on the groups behalf Is utterly baffling
We know more than you were involved and as you refuse to name your co-conspirators I took action to try and see what she knew if anything. Two human females were seen after all.
Regardless this is nothing to do with the spheres
Cease your bickering, all of you.
If you cannot keep information regarding this project concise and to the point, I will ask one of the Clerks to archive it and consider it cancelled.Focus on your duties and keep your eyes on our mission.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers
@V-Rage said in Arcane Project: Spheres of Dismissal:
She was simply hit with an illusion that gave her a good scare
So you agree that you did "magically tamper with her mental state". Again i will pass this to the crown guard.