[Denied]paramour/unnamed/official clergy celestial summons
LG Human Cleric (5), Jasda al Tyr
What specific perk(s) (faction, special background, etc.Celestial Summon Theme
Official Clergy (Background)
A few sentences on how you plan to make the server more fun to play on for everyone, through your character's actions/story.Jasda feels that the country is not living up to its promises and seeks to hold its law enforcement to account. Players who join with her/oppose her will be taking part in a kingdom reformation plot - and possibly, eventually, if reforms are not possible, it may end up turning into straight-up treason.
She will, in particular, target the nobility of Arabel, whom she holds responsible for the abject failure of the country. I have a rough idea of how this might go - poorly. Which will probably lead to the martyrdom violence in bullet point 1.
I feel like the way the server is now, we're super ripe for a concept/plot like this, trying to turn the city back towards something sane.
Brief background as relevant to the application.
Jasda is a Calishite Cleric of Amauntyr(Tyr), tasked with entering lawless places and providing assistance. As Arabel is now essentially one of those lawless places, she will be working to establish order - using guile, the law, and pure outright violence if necessary - despite the rampant corruption within the kingdom.While she might not be a high-ranking member of the Church of Tyr, she would probably have some legitimacy with some temple, somewhere, with which to shield herself from just being beheaded offhandedly.
She has GSF: Conjuration, and is a Good/Retribution domain cleric.
10 Int, 17 Wisdom, 14 Cha and I'm back in business.
Feel free to contact me for more detailed plans of conquest. I have this patterned out in my head and I think it's going to be fun. -
- Already made, is lvl 5
- Official clergy should be EiG only if you ask me
- Poor application not saying HOW they will tell an interesting story
Puffy — Today at 17:13
Official clergy is pretty much eig these days
So keep that in mind
Puffy — Today at 17:48
Ah you made them already
This is EiG then? -
Good summoning theme has little to do with bringing law to lawless areas per application.
OC is EiG
That said we do need to support this with some stuff or it wither on vine with OOC frustration and the defeatist attitude that seems so prevalent.
Like we could have an NPC offer the character a spot in the crown guard as a legal advisor. Not a fan of clerics in faction because of the two master thing but this is an interesting opportunity for an exception.
I need to buff celestial summons anyway.
@spiffymeister but no, no perks, eig.
@prof-misclick said in paramour/unnamed/official clergy celestial summons:
offer the character a spot in the crown guard as a legal advisor
have CG approach her is fine, if she accepts, fine, if not, fine
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Player Applications on
StrayCat — Today at 20:05
It's a day old, I figured it could do no harm asking since 'offical clergy' is just an OOC nod, and the book is a book.
I'm not sure Tyr actually has any meaningful presence here so I debated asking for it.
Puffy — Today at 20:07
Background has to be applied for before creation, and the application itself was not strong enough to warrant either OC nor celestial summoning. As such the application has been denied and the DM team instead recommend EiG the perks.