Beaky (Ashe)/Bitterbeak/Kenku Race [Withdrawn]
Surprisingly... the only thing I object to with this, is that stupid fucking name.
"I'm going to be a secretive spy, who tries to get people on side and make them think I don't hate them, so I can trick them into fucking up and killing themselves"
"Also, my name is BITTERbeak"
Don't be an idiot, give yourself a chance.
Might as well just * Rolls Bluff * with a name like that.
Players asking about the app, does anyone else want to vote?
I am all for the freaks.
@zool said in Beaky (Ashe)/Bitterbeak/Kenku Race + Perks:
Might as well just * Rolls Bluff * with a name like that.
true. names like that just .. whatever.
as for the goals:- be a minion for everyone yet no one because working against everyone
- if this pc sees everyone as their enemy, who is their ally? who will be ambushing the people they lure to ambushes?
- wild goose chases for what? PCs? NPCs? Monsters?
- maybe get the halforc PCs to play kenkus later?
- do stuff with the Consortium (which really doesnt exist any more?); at least Ashe acknowledges this is very DM heavy
IDK; just not seeing it?
The vibe I got, and I could be wrong here, is they'd be doing stuff like the half orc boys did, where they framed the cyricists for leaving undead everywhere and started a war.
Half orc boys didn't need a dm for that or even planned it from the beginning, they just saw an opportunity to manipulate the players to their advantage and took it.
We can always ask Ashe to change the name if it's that much of an issue.
I don't see the harm in it. We let far weaker apps pass.
@man-in-the-mist said in Beaky (Ashe)/Bitterbeak/Kenku Race + Perks:
We let far weaker apps pass
We did say that if someone had a really good app, that we'd allow them to return. Does this count as a really good app?
@echo "As far as apps go it's probably the most interesting concept we've gotten in years, and is well written." :P
Got this about 10 minutes ago
[3:14 PM]Ashe: Hey Echo, Given it some thought and I'd like to Retract the App for now. The Goals are vague and kinda rushed, and even if by some miracle what I've put forth does pass it, I'm worried I'll lose my way with it and give it up and that'd be a waste of a concept I'm pretty enthusiastic about (As the lengthy backstory suggests). [3:15 PM]Ashe: Much rather put it to the side for now, play some Non App Characters to get my head back into things with no pressure, and then come back to it with a more solid idea of for goals. rather than potentially mess it up because I rushed it.
Rip never goin to bat for Ashe again
@man-in-the-mist said in Beaky (Ashe)/Bitterbeak/Kenku Race [Withdrawn]:
Rip never goin to bat for Ashe again
I blame you for all this. <3
E Echo moved this topic from Player Applications on