Beaky (Ashe)/Bitterbeak/Kenku Race [Withdrawn]
- Halfling/Rogue/CE/4/Bitterbeak
- Required: Kenku Race (Final Stats If I recall +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha, +4 Hide, +4 MS, +4 Bluff. Not sure if it has Ecl)
Possibilities that would be nice to start with or EiG: Access to the Consortium and/or High Crimmond (see Backstory section), Item to make free sendings from anywhere (I'm a Kenku, come on. I want to charge people for the service.)
Potential future EiG: Wereraven. (We talked about it way back, you know it'd be awesome) - Bitterbeak hates you.
Bitterbeak hates everyone. The New King, trampling all over the revolution the Kenku Bled and shed feathers for. The Old King, who used them for that same revolution, who commanded with their queen at his side, but gave them sewers and rot for their services when she passed. The Goldfeathers, who helped elevate them both, The Misrims, who abused and murdered them for the actions of one. The Mossmeres, who replaced them and never even took down the Kenku Skulls mounted by their Predecessors. And the Adventurers, who insult and belittle and underestimate them, seeing them as thieving shitbirds, not the heroes of the revolution who helped bring forth the country they continue to pollute with their presence.
It's not enough to see them die off in whatever tragedy next befalls the world. Each and every one of them has to suffer, But Bitterbeak is but one kenku. Weak, But Patient. Bitterbeak bides their time, Playing the shitbird. The Abused Lackey. The Convenient Sender. They Will flit from group to group,. Always Listening, Learning, Scheming. Looking for their victims, and their scapegoats. Listening the the secrets that are spilled far too easily infront of the often overlooked Kenku.
Whether by their own hand, by an allies hand, by an enemies hand, or by Bitterbeak's hand, Everyone will suffer, and die. The Monarchy will suffer and die. The Country build by Kenku hands in soil watered by Kenku blood will eventually burn to cinders.
Because Bitterbeak hates you. - Ashe, Zap
- Bitterbeak is purebred Arabel Kenku. Raised in the consortium and a veteran of the Glorious revolution. Once, in a time before they were Bitterbeak, they fought proudly for ideals of King Gondegal. A Staunch idealist who truly believed that when the battle was one and Arabel was free, their Raven Queen would Marry the King and the Kenku would stand among the heroes of the great revolution.
But Idealism is fragile.
The Revolution came, and went, The queen died and was mourned. And Bitterbeak watched a new nation forget the Kenku.
Abused, insulted, reviled and Dismissed. The Kenku weathered much in the years after the revolution. Falling ever further from grace, their metaphorical wings rendered as pathetic and vestigial as their literal ones with their queen gone and no voice to speak for them. The Kenku who had become Bitterbeak grew cold, and then Cynical, but it was not until the March of Saint Gondegal that they become Vengeful.
The Masked King, who had used them, Betrayed them, Abandoned them, raised up as a God? It was too much. The people, no, the nation that allowed such a thing to happen did not deserve to exist.
Many among the Consortium's flock were disproving of Bitterbeak's open hatred of the Nation, though Bitterbeak kept their actively genocidal thoughts mostly to themself, and so Bitterbeak found themself spending less and less time among their own people. Most often, they would find their way to the heights of High Crimmond. There, to drink and scheme and decry the establishment, among those others who were unwelcome. There they would probe to see who else might share their ideals, and would see a nation burn, one individual at a time. - Other- Bitterbeak is, apart from their Genocidal Aspirations, a relatively average Kenku. A Quiet Sneak and Natural Mimic, often interspersing conversation with copied noises in place of words, and a constant eye for shiny new trinkets.
Great backstory but I dont see any goals or what they plan to do in game.
Wonโt last long. Not in favour of Kenku PCs. (We tried them and they didnโt work).
No from me.
It looks like their goals are mostly reactive, which is honest. The goal is to kill everyone by spying on everyone to figure out the best way how. Can't really put a quantifier on that.
I'd like to think Ashe would stick with it but idk if they will.
As far as apps go it's probably the most interesting concept we've gotten in years, and is well written.
I like it.
[4:07 PM]Echo: ok so .. about the app ๐
[4:07 PM]Ashe: Shoot ๐
[4:09 PM]Echo: the backstory is really cool, I enjoyed reading the character description. but there are no goals, nothing to say "I'm going to do these things to tell a story and involve others" except maybe the bit about spying on groups? The goal is to kill everyone by spying on everyone?
[4:09 PM]Ashe: I ran out of space somewhat with the lengthy backstory >.> XD
[4:09 PM]Echo: writers usually do that ๐
[4:10 PM]Echo: but you need goals for an app
[4:15 PM]Ashe: Yeah, I was just trying not to fall into the issue I had with Leona where I had good solid set goals and then proceeded to make no progress.
The spying and killing thing is the Tl;Dr on it.
On the surface, I was gonna go for playing the Minion Toadey type. And act as a saboteur to various Player and DM factions. Picking up secrets and laying down lies to cause chaos among them. Feeding information to their enemies, getting people into position for Ambushes, that sort of thing. And if caught out just playing that I was bullied and forced into it.PCs in DM factions like the Crown Guard and Precept can be led on wild goose chases, pushed to make a mockery of themselves and the organizations they represent.
Meanwhile, I'd be looking out for other Chaotic PCs. Ones who could be trusted with little pieces of the eventual plan to see it all burn. Most of them being led to assume they'd be the exception. I'm hoping to rope in some of what are current the Orc Tribe players when they finally kick the bucket, I have one or two interested already, but the nature of the concept means I don't want details too out in the open too early.
[4:16 PM]Ashe: I want Bitterbeak to work for, with, or against pretty much every player around in one way or another.
[4:18 PM]Ashe: On a factional level, trying to Push the Consortium to turn against the ideals of the city would be a major goal, but that is highly DM dependant so obviously that's a late stage thing if waves are getting made between PCs
[4:21 PM]Echo: I'll add this to the thread.
[4:21 PM]Ashe: Thanks, Goals are always the weak part of my apps.
[4:21 PM]Ashe: In the end, if it doesn't pass not the end of the world. But gotta shoot the shot! -
Surprisingly... the only thing I object to with this, is that stupid fucking name.
"I'm going to be a secretive spy, who tries to get people on side and make them think I don't hate them, so I can trick them into fucking up and killing themselves"
"Also, my name is BITTERbeak"
Don't be an idiot, give yourself a chance.
Might as well just * Rolls Bluff * with a name like that.
Players asking about the app, does anyone else want to vote?
I am all for the freaks.
@zool said in Beaky (Ashe)/Bitterbeak/Kenku Race + Perks:
Might as well just * Rolls Bluff * with a name like that.
true. names like that just .. whatever.
as for the goals:- be a minion for everyone yet no one because working against everyone
- if this pc sees everyone as their enemy, who is their ally? who will be ambushing the people they lure to ambushes?
- wild goose chases for what? PCs? NPCs? Monsters?
- maybe get the halforc PCs to play kenkus later?
- do stuff with the Consortium (which really doesnt exist any more?); at least Ashe acknowledges this is very DM heavy
IDK; just not seeing it?
The vibe I got, and I could be wrong here, is they'd be doing stuff like the half orc boys did, where they framed the cyricists for leaving undead everywhere and started a war.
Half orc boys didn't need a dm for that or even planned it from the beginning, they just saw an opportunity to manipulate the players to their advantage and took it.
We can always ask Ashe to change the name if it's that much of an issue.
I don't see the harm in it. We let far weaker apps pass.
@man-in-the-mist said in Beaky (Ashe)/Bitterbeak/Kenku Race + Perks:
We let far weaker apps pass
We did say that if someone had a really good app, that we'd allow them to return. Does this count as a really good app?
@echo "As far as apps go it's probably the most interesting concept we've gotten in years, and is well written." :P
Got this about 10 minutes ago
[3:14 PM]Ashe: Hey Echo, Given it some thought and I'd like to Retract the App for now. The Goals are vague and kinda rushed, and even if by some miracle what I've put forth does pass it, I'm worried I'll lose my way with it and give it up and that'd be a waste of a concept I'm pretty enthusiastic about (As the lengthy backstory suggests). [3:15 PM]Ashe: Much rather put it to the side for now, play some Non App Characters to get my head back into things with no pressure, and then come back to it with a more solid idea of for goals. rather than potentially mess it up because I rushed it.
Rip never goin to bat for Ashe again
@man-in-the-mist said in Beaky (Ashe)/Bitterbeak/Kenku Race [Withdrawn]:
Rip never goin to bat for Ashe again
I blame you for all this. <3
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