Official Clergy- Cyric (Gloomy and Caek)
Caek says he'll go OC over Raven if he has to pick.
Have Caek designing some Cyric themed gear as well. So he's definitely invested in this.
@prof-misclick I think they need to leave the ravens. Other than that I have no objections.
Give them Clergy.
I have no opinion on the Ravens thing
Can I assume this is approved for both players?
Yes. Do it
I gave him this stuff as his OC gear.
Set his wage to 50 and gave him a key to the cyric temple room.
Will set up Gloomy next time.
Dark blessing is cool. What's his charisma? Guess it's not amazing, but a potion would help a bit. nice gear
I dont think he has much charisma, but even a bad roll is +1 uni saves. So we can think of it as bonus saves that can be dispelled?
Might edit it a bit to suit his PC more. Dunno if we want standard clergy gear or tailored to characters.
@voss_ Yeah, it's great for a low ish charisma character, someone with high charisma might get a bit too much out of it though.
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