House of the Morning evolution
Spawning from some of the discussions here: a lot of people seems to find the faction a bit restrictive. I am sure with the right efforts and characters, it could be made to evolve into something more.
Yes, this started as a player faction. But now its a DM one. It should evolve beyond what it started as. Build on what the players started. I'm sure they won't mind seeing the faction evolve into something greater.
Eveningstar and HotM is Lanthander only right now. Could be it is made to evolve to Include the "servants" of Lathander also? Chauntea is his paramour after all. Other faiths could be accepted, as long as they serve Lathander too. Or include all sort of heresies of Lathander, as they worship every aspect of the sun?
How could the HofM could evolve to include more concepts?
I personally think it should remain restrictive. I'm sure that's not a popular idea.
But it's a faction based in actual lore: -
The Order of Aster would remains the main thing that's for sure.
But maybe evolve the faction a little to work kind of like the Wildwalkers do. Druids are the main thing. But they accepts other nature concept. However, these nature concept will have a hard time get promoted in the faction since they are not druids. Earning rank 3 for a ranger/barbarian/sorcerer is pretty exceptional. Something similar could be done for the HotM.
Lathanderites, especially Asters, rise in ranks. The rest follow them and serve the Church.
just a thought.
The question is one of identity.
Right now, Eveningstar benefits, and suffers from, a powerful identity of a zealous bastion of faith in the fight against evil and the teachings of Lathander.
If we open it up, we risk losing the identity both players and DMs have crafted for it.
Secondly, 'opening it up' in a believable and IC verifiably manner is difficult, as Eveningstar benefits greatly from reputation and the MAD principal. You destroy it, then the Church of Lathander is going to go crusading.
I'll try and tinker with ideas but really my plate is full.
@theminionofarabel said in House of the Morning evolution:
Druids are the main thing. But they accepts other nature concept.
This is not entirely accurate. The faction was designed to be for Druid's only but with the hive story line it was opened up to other concepts without an application with the prelude that Spiffy ran. Really though a Sorcerer or ranger in the wild walkers would require an application to some station to support it
@spiffymeister said in House of the Morning evolution:
a zealous bastion of faith in the fight against evil
That does not need to change. Just expand a bit on it. They will remain the goody vanquisher of evil. Maybe just with some Holy Trinity of Lathander?
Anyway. I'll drop the matter.
@theminionofarabel idk it’s a fair criticism i just hate fr gods in general
The House of the Morning has been getting its arse kicked a lot lately.
Is it possible that some of the internal support for the church has waned, enough that Belon might be forced to take on more secular voices in the governing of the town?
I'm thinking perhaps clergy of Chauntea, as suggested, or servants of other goodly gods might be called in to support after so many players (myself included) make silly decisions and get their butts liberally kicked.
Some good thoughts, there.
From an OOC point of view, I would treat it as we did the old Knights of the Merciful Sword. The paladins of Tyr were dominant BY far, and all the top positions were held by said knights. If memory serves, from V3 and to its death, we managed to have a few who became actual knights, but what would in our faction rankings be tier 4, could never be given to Non Tyrrans. And Non Tyrrans had to justify why they were in a dominantly Tyrran faction. In short, non Tyr paladins had a much harder time going places.From an IC point of view, all paladins of non Lathander would have to bow to the authority of Lathander as the dominant power, but opportunity for paladins of deities who shared some resemblance to Lathanders teachings could be allowed.
- Chauntea would make good sense
- Milil would too, the shared ideas of creativity
- To a lesser extend, I could see the odd Sunite too
Belon could definitely see it as a way of gaining a foothold outside Eveningstar, by "allying" with faiths who had shrines in the city, and it would supplement his waning power, as Paramour stated.
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