File: The Elven Fellowship
I do not make bets with oath breakers who cannot even grasp basic legal concepts.
The elves did not murder the Anglemorns, Their deaths whilst tragic is not on the Fellowship. Kidnapping is a serious offence with a sentence of a fine or Restitution to the councils.
Aiding other criminals is usually re-education as seen in Qo'is case. Getting rid of the leader of the giants or the lycans the druids are allied with would be fitting. Especially as Ursula, June and Eo the Mouse were oath bound to a Dwarven spirit to kill Smash Nose after the war and Mouse is the only one left alive
Dear Seddy
Please tell me how things would have ended well, after they sold the Dawnsquire to a freakish monster who hated Eveningstar and enjoyed doing things like human sacrfice?
They knew they were giving her a horrid fate.
I dunno, maybe if they gave her what she wanted, she'd have been let go?
Heard she let some spellsword go?
Maybe not, but seems like a better shot than throwing your entire family into a fire.
Duke Misrim is inquiring into the state of this case.
If an equitable settlement occurs, he is willing to overlook indiscretions occurring in his lands in regards to these elves.
- Beatrice
I have kept a secret dialog with the elf, for fear of the others screwing it up, as this entire debacle seems more driven by rage and emotion, not sound mind.He will allow me to bring him in. I have settled on a fine of 5.000 Gold pieces. The kidnapping was a crime, But driven by an attempt to earn and then betray Izereth, in order to stop her.
No other crimes occured, and the entire case against him is poorly and sloppy executed.
Sabriel Florent
I contacted Saerhaice a few days back and offered him restiution to the councils if he turned himself in.
@v-rage said in Letter: Saerhaice:
I offer you a chance to get this bounty off of you.
Hand yourself over to me at the Crown Guard barracks and confess to your crimes of kidnapping Amaire and giving her to Izereth and I will sentence you to restitution to the councils.
I believe you can accomplish such by either killing Smash Nose or Khor'essa, Prefrably Smash Nose as Eo the Mouse and formerly June and Ursula took an oath to a Dwarven Spirit to ensure Smash Nose died during the campaign and they would lose their powers if they did not.
I recieved no reply or counter offer, The task whilst hard would be manageable by these elves as they have a skilled group from what I have seen of them
His grace is content with yhe amount named and he will await word of its payment before informing his buzzards to let you do as you please in his lands about the elves.
Just had a lovely update.
It seems our Elven Fellowship has been seen in Tilverton by the Precept asking about how to create magical plagues. I don't think it a huge leap of logic to assume Arabel is a likely target.
I'll see if the priestess of Talona talks to me about this.
On a different topic I informed Jendayi about Saerhaice sendings about using the beholders eye while doing a bit of diplomacy. Perhaps we have some answers whats going off over there before long.
Pilotess said they asked the Talonite about diseases not spreading a plague. You are aware Saerhice is a druid right and some use poison and disease, They could be planning to use it on beholders.
I'll speak with the priestess myself since I know you'll twist what is said to use in your vendetta
It seems you attempt to parly have failed Swift. Don't you think its about time we beat the crap out of these elfs who refuse to respect our King and Queen and force one of those lovely collars on them to make pay for our dead friends, well my dead friends at least?
Or are you only ever going be a pleb?
Your quest for vengeance is not mine
Handle this yourself since you are intent on punishing them above what the law allows
Pleb then.
Your childish insults do you no credit.
Even Florent could see you were mishandling this out of vengeance.
And half the city knows your afraid of the elfs, it's rather quite pathetic. Once I figure out how to bring them down without you, I will be dueling you for your cloak.
To think I acturly use to look up to you.
So I got into a fight with Saerhaice in the Hullack. It's looking like he can teleport and summon dire spiders and webs while in the Hullack.
Made him bleed at least through.
@knockknock said in Announcement: Cormanthor:
[Posted prominently on the bridge at the mouth of the Hullack...]
The Elven Fellowship claim the forest known as the Hullack as restored CORMANTHOR.
Cormanthor will thrive under ancient Elven charter. In harmony with Balance and stark resistance to the vices cultivated by Man.
The inaction of the City of Man and its environment which gave rise to harrowing darkness has not gone unnoticed. Their hands are not clean in the rise and fall of the Hive. No longer will their touch be tolerated in the depths of new Cormanthor.
Here, the laws of Man mean nothing.
Here, the authority of Man means nothing.
CORONAL Saeharice Chamaranthe shall preside. The Fellowship will form a Council beneath. And their watchmen will have eight eyes on any who travel the woodland.
The gifts to govern have been blessed unto the Fellowship by a grateful host of Spirits.
It was beneath their heel the greatest threat to this realm was crushed. The same dogged zeal will be extended to any who break their customs.
The laws of Cormanthor will soon be made plain.
Tolerance will be inexistent, consequences swift.
Coronal Saeharice Chamaranthe,
of Cormanthor.Our interest in the Fellowship is renewed. While their role in druidic circles was no great concern, they now seek to claim that which is already in our right and so their arrogance cannot be ignored.
This notice borderlines on the following offence:
- Possession and redistribution of contraband, in this case, propaganda that targets the Arabellan political system and seeks to undermine Arabellan law and control of the Hullack.
Dilettante Swift, is the lawful bounty still active, or was it paid in full? As in, do we have a direct means of pursuing this moon-touched fool, or do we need to go about this a different way?
The bounty is still active.
The notices are being refreshed at the outskirts of the Hullack. Bloodhound Elrinde was with me when I took one down - her reaction was, interesting, perhaps the most emotion I have seen from her. I plan to ask her more of what this announcement means and what can be used to counter it, although if you have the time you should also approach her. This requires a gentle touch, I think.
My initial idea, mentioned to one of the plebs before they took off their cloaks, was to learn the elf druid's weakness and lure them out of their grove, with bait for their pride such as elven lore or artefacts, or if you wish to enrage them, by targeting spiders. Such a trap would require assistance, however, given recent departures.
That the bounty is still active helps us take a direct role, if needed. But also promote it to adventurers, many are greedy for coin and will do the work for us without us having to bloody our hands.
On another note, the other offence which we could cite is around religious blasphemy - their promotion of 'Araushnee' and other spirits is cause for concern.
Whilst it may prove unpopular I have sent Saerhaice the following
@v-rage said in Letter: Saerhaice:
I am willing to see the bounty on you removed if you perform some service for the city, All of them benefit you in some way as well.
You may either capture and deliver Marchetti, Kold or Enlil to the Crown Guard barracks to be punished for leaving undead on the roads.
Alternatively you could deliver Arill instead, He foolishly plundered an elven tomb in the Hullack and fled, bringing angry spirits towards the city.
His main crime was kidnapping Amaire, and since then he has performed a service in destroying the Abberant temple in the Helmlands
If he brings us one of these criminals I believe he has earned his way out of his past crimes