[Classified] Investigation: Rituals around Eveningstar
I wasn't just investigating the death of Tristan. There have been a series of ritual sacrifices around Eveningstar that culminated in the killing and ritual offering of Tristan to cause an eclipse over Eveningstar.
Thus a serious magical attack was performed upon an ally of the King and Queen and innocents were at risk of harm.
Such definitely warrants investigation
A statement recieved from Ursula on a request I made, I have no need to interview a giant kin
@silverswift said in Letter: Ursula:
His name be Rau'azz, a giantkin of the coldlands. But as I did say, he felt it not his concern, so he did not interfere. If you seek to question him, you are reminded to have a polite tongue, or bring I with you.
UrsulaThis Rau'azz told Ursula he saw a woman in red, and a man in Tristans colours fighting and the woman in red won, Considering from Vals statement that Izereth confessed to Val, claiming it was defense we have proof it was indeed Izereth
I have also learnt from Tass the name of the Dawnknight that killed some bloodhounds in defense was Evelyn Stillwater, A name is much better to use to present a motive rather than just saying a member of the Aster
I also recieved this from Tristan on the day of his death
@dracos said in Letter: Tristan:
Dear Dominic
Fairly simple really. Ursula submitted proof of myself telling the Lower House a slaughter was coming. Then on the morning after Izereth invited me to the Palace by sending to talk... but used it as an excuse to ambush me on the High Road from invisibility with magic, before dragging me to the Palace.
I of course admitted to the treason and she first tried to convince me to betray my church by joining the Precepts, then tried to use me to blackmail the House of Morning, before realising that exiling me was less politically costly than executing me when that fail.
Dawnbrother Tristan
It boosts the case I will present
With the aid of Tristan before his death, Tass, Ursula and Valarious the following has been learned and can be proven with evidence
Trueblood Izereth Caul holds a grudge against Eveningstar and the House of the Morning due to the killing of Bloodhounds in the Historic District by Dawnknight Evelyn Stillwater after Balorak tried to ban her from the district and had the Bloodhounds attack her to try and force her to leave. The Dawn Knight was never punished for this which angered some of the Precept including Izereth
Shortly after, Izereth began to offer bounties on Lathanderite items brought to her, Dawn Knight Theron Harcourt expressed concern that she sought to defile them which would be an act of sacrilege against the Church of Lathander.
We know these items were obtained as along with the Lower House she hosted some entertainment called the Sun Games with them
Shortly after the Lower House was declared outlaw, Izereth wrote to the Bishop of Eveningstar claiming to have had a vision that Eveningstar would fall to shadow unless the Knights of the Aster were sent to crush the rebellion. Knights were not sent to crush the rebellion
Before his exile Izereth sent to meet with Tristan at the palace, However she ambushed him on the road and tried to extort the Bishop for his life, Whilst he was held at the Palace a clerk intervened with a sentence of exile.
After the revolution was crushed, copies of various prophecys saying darkness would come to Eveningstar began appearing in the city and on the roads, Tristan claimed he often found them after he had made sendings for jobs, and he felt someone was stalking him and leaving them. They all speak of beings of great heritage or the best being banned or sent away from Eveningstar, the Precept is known to favour beings of planar heritages and exotic bloodlines.
Various foul and necromantic rituals also occured around Eveningstar, along with desecrated Lathanderite items along with contraband mushrooms which we have learnt that with the fall of the Lower House only the Precept,Druids and House Mossmere can obtain, in some cases journals and letters in attempts to make it seem it was a male wizard to try and turn attention elsewhere as Tristan almost imediately when he discover suspected Izereth when he discovered a ritual under Eveningstar in the tunnels due to her hostility against Eveningstar.
On the day of Tristans death and the Eclipse of Eveningstar Ursula sent for a representative of Eveningstar and of Arabel to head to Irondrake to negioate with a druidic circle of Giants who wished passage through Eveningstar to join the crusade against Beholders being spearheaded by the druidic circles. It is known that a fight broke out between Tristan and Izereth that ended in Tristans death, Ursula recieved a report of his death from a giant kin who had witnessed it, and reported it to the bishop who barred the Precept from Eveningstar until Izereth was turned over. The Precept called for Izereth to report to the Sanctum to explain herself, However what transpired shows she did not.
Tristans corpse was found defiled in the tunnels under Eveningstar along with defiled Lathanderite items to fuel a ritual to cause the Eclipse
Further sendings from the Precept indicate they are sheltering Izereth believig she only killed a stray and exile and that if we wish to press it we shall need to take it to the Crown.
I wish to take it to the Crown, Whilst I am not pleased at all by Tristan aiding traitors and Eveningstar refusing to aid against the rebellion this does not excuse murder and attempts to spread terror by a member of the Precept,
@v-rage I will forward this to their majesties.
Ursula has revealed to me that Rau'azz has told her that the woman in red took Tristans corpse after the fight, speaking of prophecy.
Ursula also states that Izereth has lied to her and councillor Jenny, stating she killed Tristan in self defense and his corpse dissapeared in a pool of darkness in the mountains
I have considered a way to force Izereth to use her pardon before the trial
Her lies to Ursula and Jenny count as the crime of Evasion of a Peace Official as defined as this in the book of law as she tried to decieve them intentionally
-Evasion of a Peace Official- Intentional deception, evasion, or misdirection aimed at a member of the Council or Militia.
While only a lesser offence, the punishment can be three days of restitution to the councils.
As Eveningstar via the House of the Morning holds a council seat her restitution can be aiding the House of the Morning, Of course she will have to go to Eveningstar for this, She would know such is tantamount to a death sentence unless she confesses to everything and shows remorse and seeks redemption.
She could either go to Eveningstar or use her pardon to dodge such eliminating as an option to escape punishment in the trial.
Whilst I would hope she would show remorse and seek redemption I believe she is too egotistical to do so believing herself untouchable
As I expect Izereth will fight the evasion of a peace official charge when it is filed, I will seek the support of the council beforehand.
I know Tass will support it and Ursula will not be pleased at the damage caused to the lands by the ritual, Jenny may be convinced if she if she found out she was lied to, I am not sure on Robert the Tempan. But if I can get 3 out of 4 it will be enough
Just so it is in writing properly
Ursula reported to me and councillor Tassulue that a giant kin known as Rua'azz from the stormhorns stated to her that they saw a woman in red fight a man in the colors of the House of the Morning, They did not interfere as it was not their concern. The woman in red won and took the corpse whilst talking of the prophecy.
I have learnt from Val that the parlay from the Lower House to Eveningstar may have been over some Serum the Precept has that can supress magic
Val sent the following statement
on the Parlay - No I was not aware of the events during the Parlay. To my understanding there was concern as to the serum to dampen magical abilities that the Precept possess
I have asked her how they may have learnt this and recieved the following
No but since it had been an open secret for weeks before. any slip or rumors could have given Ercole the info.
If the Precept learned the House of the Morning knew about this it may further anger them
Since the case will go to Arbitration
I wish to present the following case. The evidence list will be included at the end
Izereth Caul has been trying to incite fear and terror in Eveningstar and cause chaos around the lands of the Kingdom of Arabel as extortion attempts she has made were not met, This has been done to weaken Eveningstar and thus was an attack on the alliance that their Royal Majesties hold with the bishop and could have weakened the crown if myself and Ursula had not located and broken the ritual. Charges of Bribery and Magical crimes are also warranted
Izereth Caul has long held a grudge against Eveningstar against the House of the Morning and Eveningstar.
This begun months ago when a Bloodhound known as Balorak tried to evict Dawn knight Stillwater from the historic district over Eveningstars ban on tieflings, The Dawn Knight slew the Blood Hounds then bested Balorak in a duel to the death.
There was anger from the Precept that no punishment was levelled against the Dawn Knight for the death of the BloodhoundsIzereth then began to issue a bounty on Lathanderite items, Dawn Knight Harcourt warned that such would be sacrilege if they were defiled.
We know these items were obtained as along with the Lower House she hosted some entertainment called the Sun Games with them
Tristan further angered the Precept by hosting the Lower House at the temple of Lathander after Ercole had killed a Bloodhound, The parlay seems to have been to discuss serum the Precept may have that can supress magic
Before his exile Izereth sent to meet with Tristan at the palace, However she ambushed him on the road and tried to extort the Bishop for his life, Whilst he was held at the Palace a clerk intervened with a sentence of exile.
Shortly after the Lower House was declared outlaw, Izereth wrote to the Bishop of Eveningstar claiming to have had a vision that Eveningstar would fall to shadow unless the Knights of the Aster were sent to crush the rebellion. Knights were not sent to crush the rebellion
After the revolution was crushed, copies of various prophecys saying darkness would come to Eveningstar began appearing in the city and on the roads, Tristan claimed he often found them after he had made sendings for jobs, and he felt someone was stalking him and leaving them. They all speak of beings of great heritage or the best being banned or sent away from Eveningstar, the Precept is known to favour beings of planar heritages and exotic bloodlines.
Various foul and necromantic rituals also occured around Eveningstar, along with desecrated Lathanderite items along with contraband mushrooms which we have learnt that with the fall of the Lower House only the Precept,Druids and House Mossmere can obtain, in some cases journals and letters in attempts to make it seem it was a male wizard to try and turn attention elsewhere as Tristan almost imediately when he discover suspected Izereth when he discovered a ritual under Eveningstar in the tunnels due to her hostility against Eveningstar.
On the day of Tristans death and the Eclipse of Eveningstar Ursula sent for a representative of Eveningstar and of Arabel to head to Irondrake to negioate with a druidic circle of Giants who wished passage through Eveningstar to join the crusade against Beholders being spearheaded by the druidic circles. It is known that a fight broke out between Tristan and Izereth that ended in Tristans death, Ursula recieved a report of his death and that Izereth took the corpse speaking of the prophecy from a giant kin who had witnessed it, and reported it to the bishop who barred the Precept from Eveningstar until Izereth was turned over. The Precept called for Izereth to report to the Sanctum to explain herself, However what transpired shows she did not.
Tristans corpse was found defiled in the tunnels under Eveningstar along with defiled Lathanderite items to fuel a ritual to cause the Eclipse
Evidence list
A copy of a letter sent to Eveningstar asking for aid against the rebellion, Insinutating that a vision Izereth claimed to have had that Eveningstar may fall into shadow if they didnt send aid
A copy of a letter Izereth sent to Bishop Belon after Izereth arrested Tristan trying to extort things from Eveningstar or she would execute Tristan.
A statement from Tristan stating Izereth called him to the palace to talk, Yet ambushed him on the road to extort the Bishop
Copies of Prophecies titled The Prophecy of Eternal Eclipse, The future is now, It has been seen they will no longer see, and No more shall the sun fall upon them
A note and religious items recovered from a ritual site at the South Horn,
A note and religious items including a sword recovered from a ritual site in the tunnels under Eveningstar.
A note and backpack with a necromantic charm, divination mushroom, scrolls and documents found at another ritual site in tunnels under Eveningstar
Testimony from Valarious that Izereth has confessed to killing Tristan but claimed self defense
Testimony from Ursula on what the witness to Izereths fight with Tristan saw.
// Letters and testimonies submitted as evidence, I'll try and catch a DM IG to hand over the IG written letters and items
Copy of letter sent to Eveningstar asking for aid against the rebellion
@encrypt said in Councilor Tristan, Eveningstar:
I wanted to inform you I have sent the following letter to your High Dawnlord. I did not mention your ban on the Precept, as the matter is more important than petty squabbles. I would be interested in your own response to my questions, if you wish to give them.
-Izereth Caul.
@encrypt said in High Dawnlord Charisbond Belon:
High Dawnlord,
I write to you as a councillor of the twelve in the hopes that what I have heard from Tristian is not the whole truth.
As your councillor, he has intimated that Eveningstar does not stand with the Crown with regards to the revolution, and quelling it.
From his words, it appears you will not send aid to the Crown when it needs it most.His actions tell me he does not wish Eveningstar to unify with the other forces of the Kingdom, in a time of struggle.
I would ask why, when Eveningstar has ever been a staunch and valued friend to the crown, even aiding in the crowning of the current monarchs, that they would abandon the armies of the Crown now, of any time?
In short. Will you send your swords and spells to help the Kingdom of Arabel in the coming days?
I am a diviner in the Precept Arcanum, and have seen that if you do not, eveningstar may fall into shadow. I hope this never happens.
-Izereth Caul
-Council of Twelve Peers
-Trueblood of the Precept Arcanum.
-Diviner, Abjurer, Layfollower of Lathander.Copy of letter Izereth sent to Bishop Belon trying to extort things from Eveningstar
@dracos said in Letter: Tristan:
High Dawnlord
I have dealt with Tristan as you asked. He is currently being held in the Palace for treason, by me.
I have the means to have him pardoned of all crimes, and sent home in perfect health, but, I have some demands, unlike you however, I have options for you to choose from, instead of just one, mad, demand.
Option 1. Tristan is pardoned - The law on Tieflings and other heritages being able to wander your town is revoked. - You will grant the Precept a parcel of land large enough for an outpost to be built either within the town itself, or on it's borders. You can send those who you believe your people will be scared of there, for training by the Precept Arcanum. Once they are useful members of society, they will be able to go where they wish. You can make up whatever theological excuses for the witches tower you like to quell your peoples moaning.
Option 2. Tristan is pardoned - The law on Tieflings and other heritages being able to wander your town is revoked. - I am to be married to Sir Myrkyr Thaddoth within the tenday, and given the title of Lady Thaddoth, high sorceress of Eveningstar.
I am sorry that Tristan may be frustrating to deal with, it is the card in my hand and it is the one I am playing.
You could always fold, take option three, and we reshuffle the cards.
Option 3. Tristan is executed for treason. It is made know that you could have saved your man, but chose his death instead.
Statement from Tristan on Izereth calling him to palace to talk
@dracos said in Letter: Tristan:
Dear Dominic
Fairly simple really. Ursula submitted proof of myself telling the Lower House a slaughter was coming. Then on the morning after Izereth invited me to the Palace by sending to talk... but used it as an excuse to ambush me on the High Road from invisibility with magic, before dragging me to the Palace.
I of course admitted to the treason and she first tried to convince me to betray my church by joining the Precepts, then tried to use me to blackmail the House of Morning, before realising that exiling me was less politically costly than executing me when that fail.
Dawnbrother Tristan
Testimony from Ursula on what the witness saw in the fight
@v-rage said in [Classified] Investigation: Rituals around Eveningstar:
Just so it is in writing properly
Ursula reported to me and councillor Tassulue that a giant kin known as Rua'azz from the stormhorns stated to her that they saw a woman in red fight a man in the colors of the House of the Morning, They did not interfere as it was not their concern. The woman in red won and took the corpse whilst talking of the prophecy.
Testimony from Valarious
@v-rage said in [Classified] Investigation: Rituals around Eveningstar:
Val, A bloodhoud aspirant of the Precept has sent this,
She spoke with me and told me Izereth confesses to killing Tristan
[A writt]
"Izereth confessed to me that she killed Tristian on the grounds of self defence, citing he panicked when he saw her turned himself into an umberhulk to try and kill her."
-ValI will seek the rest of the evidence held by Eveningstar and notify the council we wish a trial for Izereth and send a summary of the case.
// Screenshots of the rest of the evidence
Copies of the Prophecies
Copies of notes recovered from the rituals
Items recovered from the rituals
The backpack