The Revolution
Ursula, Izereth, Tristan, do you have any thoughts to add since I posted about this vision that Talona gave me?
It should be noted that the war will not be on the church of Tymora.
They will keep their temple.
It is Redlock that will answer for supplying the revolution.
After that the church may elect a new high priest
Sir Pierre
You didn't take any of those mushrooms did you Jenny?
I'm not too sure how the silence works, but I thought gods weren't communicating with their high priests, nevermind their lay followers.And I wonder why Talona would care about the situation anyway.
In short, perhaps have a think about what, or where else, this vision may have come from. And... it changes nothing with regards to my thoughts on all this.
That aside, visions are interesting to me. Perhaps you should enter the chamber of the dreaming at the sanctum with me some day.
Well a decision needs to be made.
I don't think there are any third options it's either punish them or give in to their demands.
I am for harshly stamping out this rebellion.
They have turned people into monsters, received armed support from Redlock, Assualted the palace, ransomed people among other things.
They demand pardons, shrines to their false god, more funding and the right to kill someone without trial.
If they get this the demands will keep coming.
I say we end the rebellion with swift force and bring security back to the city.
If the Precept agrees I am certain the request for bloodhounds to be permanently law enforcers in the historic district would easily pass
Sir Pierre
I am deeply concerned about all this talk and rumors of Purple Dragons.
I also have a eye witness of the reliable sort who saw a man in Purple Dragon uniform fleeing the Murdered Manticore after the battle there.
In light on this I think bringing in the army to stop the rioting forces in the historic could be tactically unwise and leave us vunrable to a coup attempt. The fact Duke Misrims men seems rather keen on the idea makes me eve n more concerned, considering his historic 'fluid' alegences.
On Jennys vision... do not fall back into your Murrican ways were your groups talks of visions and then tries to make them true please.
Dawnbrother Tristan
Once again Tristran you believe the lies of slanderous fools
This supposed Purple Dragon who was seen in the slums was likely Lucius Hightower who took part in the raid and then went back at Jaces request to see who was around, His shield bears the insignia of Purple Dragons yet he is not one
Sir Pierre
Hightower is the source. So we have a second uniform.
Dawnbrother Tristan
Tristan I am just saying what Talona showed me. Which is, if we do not squash this rebellion right now it will expand like a plague and the death toll that you fear, will be an entire kingdom. Not that you care about that. You seem to support the rebellion these criminals want. Maybe this is how Eveningstar can steal more serfs from the Kingdom? Hmmm? Unlike you, I will stand against this rebellion and stand with the crown.
Hightower freed a Purple Dragon, that the Lower House had captured.
No one else seemed to care, but I threw a lightning bolt at it while it was fleeing. I didn't want to give chase as the rest of the group were ignoring a Purple Dragon (an enemy of the Kingdom) while trying to find enemies of the kingdom, and they have insinuated certain things about me, so I was trying to follow their plan.
So I expect that could be where this purple dragon rumour came from.
Why the Lower House would capture and hold a Purple Dragon in their basement is an interesting question with many possible answers. One of which is, to cause this kind of problem for the council.
Since the 4 days is almost up I have started the vote
I must strongly advise we stamp out this rebellion because if we give in to their ludicrous demands they will only want more and plunge the city into anarchy
Sir Pierre
Tristian can be seen taking copies of file notes in Astar marked folders..
Tristan of the Aster, please help I to understand how it is that Ercole is knowing of our vote about the pardons when no announcement has been made by the Queen. I did think these matters were not to be told to him. If the city is having a war with the Low House and their people, and you are aiding the Low House by telling Ercole these things, is this not being the meaning of the word 'treason'?
Ursula -
Do you have proof of this Ursula?
Whilst I would hope even Tristan wouldn't be stupid enough to reveal sensitive information to the lower house if he has done he should be arrested and trialled for treason.
Sir Pierre
He likely took a educated guess by looking at our line up or learned via his rather impressive stealth abilities.
Dawnbrother Tristan
Ercole did tell I he knew of all these things we did cast votes on. He did know how I did vote and I had not told not even the Circle yet. That is meaning one of here did do so. Tilverton have plenty reason to hate the man, yet none to be helping him. The Precept hath sworn to I that such was not being their doing. And I am knowing for myself that I have not done so. This leaves only Tristan of the Aster, who time and again doth defend the Low House, refuses to punish them for their doings, and hath been seen copying that which we have written here into his own papers, for taking out of this place.
Ursula -
Then he should be put on trial for treason
Sir Pierre
If House Goldfeather wishes to lose the surport of Lathander as well Tymora for there rule, letting the Butcher indulge in his bloody desires would do it.
So do remember I'm here to allow you all to talk with the Astar and do diplomacy.
Dawnbrother Tristian
I captured Tristan, and brought him to the Palace.
Clerk Pinwell, said the Palace wanted him exiled so as not to piss off Belon too much.
He is to be removed from the council, and killed if he enters Crown lands.
(if anyone is counting, that is four traitors I brought in)
I was going to suggest he be exiled if Belon provided aid against the rebellion.
Especially since I understand from Treth he was trying to extort coin from the Precept as Izereth was trying to gain their support in the war but Belon demanded the Precept pay the debt Eveningstar owes Tilverton.
Sir Pierre
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