Level 11 to 50k XP
Currently on leveling up from 10 to 11 you go to 46k xp. I suggest it be changed to 50k xp. It takes 55k xp to get level 11 and you would keep more xp by simply dying. It feels strange to do such an OOC thing so I wouldn't, but it also seems weird dying is more rewarding or less of an xp hit than reaching level 11.
would make sense to drop you to the middle of the level rather than the start of it.
those that craft would be disadvantaged dropped to start of level
I just hit 50015xp and haad the system drop me by 15xp as we are not allowed over 50000xp.
I dont know if this is deliberate, the suggestion above was related to not being dropped ot the bottom of the level rather than capping the xp at a level that you still lose a level on dieing.
You don't lose a level on dying from there do you? Because that wasn't the intention. (or maybe it was... I just implemented it really I didn't think about the numbers, just not making "leveling up" suck)
The suggestion said to drop you to 50K xp- so we just set it to keep you at that point.
@zool all good then if it is as intended
@cadiz Yeah... you should have gotten a little message saying something like "Your XP is being reduced as you cannot go above 50,000XP" or something like that.
I put that in so people wouldn't freak out when they lost DEM XPZ!
Essentially, each time you change area, it checks your XP, and if it's above 50,000, it sets it to 50,000.
So... in -theory- you could reach level 11 and use the old system of levelling up (and being dropped back down)
but... in practice I find it dubious you could earn that much XP without leaving a single area in a single reset, and if you -could- well please report that cos it's a darned exploit!
Resolved, thanks for the feedback
P Puffy moved this topic from Suggestions on