Followers of primordial powers granted their elemental summons
@arcanigans said in Followers of primordial powers granted their elemental summons:
all it'd take to implement would be a deity check on the summon creature scripts.
Yeah,..... I mean, that's true and all, but there's a lot of deities - what if we miss one? (time to re-edit the script) ah we got one set to the wrong element type - time to re-edit - actually, you know this other deity fits this other theme - time to re-edit...
The way it'd done now is, the books exist, and they require certain domains, which those deities tend to have, this gives players options without it being a maintenance nightmare.
Maybe making those specific books available in the starting area? There are some (like construct theme) that don't seem to drop without a DM dropping them.
I get the issue, which is why I mentioned the priordials- there's only 4 to speak of and all of them have a very specific elemental feeling. Compared to the litany of gods in other pantheons.
Clerics can access the theme associated with their deity, assuming it has one. Just pick the domain and you’ll be able to access it.
Select Conjuration specialist to represent the PCs investment and commitment to a primordial type power.
“Lay followers” are just that, casual folk not blessed with any specific bonus because they happen to think fire is cool.
Wizards are very powerful. Summons are even more so. Not in favour of this particular suggestion right now given the amount of work it would take.
@arcanigans Yeah, I know - but once you do the elemental ones, someone then wants the other gods represented in this way, because why aren't they? (and I would agree)
Making the books available to clerics at the start could... possibly work, but then you have the issue of how do you grant them to them, are they none drop, can we force them to only have one somehow?
Those can all be overcome, but it's not 100% immediately apparent how to resolve it.
And the current system allows for clerics to summon things from their respective themes.
@prof-misclick said in Followers of primordial powers granted their elemental summons:
Clerics can access the theme associated with their deity, assuming it has one. Just pick the domain and you’ll be able to access it.
You can? You don;t need the book first?
@zool said in Followers of primordial powers granted their elemental summons:
@prof-misclick said in Followers of primordial powers granted their elemental summons:
Clerics can access the theme associated with their deity, assuming it has one. Just pick the domain and you’ll be able to access it.
You can? You don;t need the book first?
Yeah, I thought you needed the book O_o
Sorry. Guess I was not clear.
All custom themes require a book except the animal (default) to activate. There is the default animal book available in the general store to let you change the assigned theme back to animal. The animal theme is also restored upon a sever reset.
So a person wishing to use a restricted theme must:
a. Be on the list of approved for use (on the books IG and posted on the forum)
b. Must find the book IG ( they are everywhere on quests and usually turned in for prestige so not hard to get)@Arcanigans regarding the construct one, should drop I think so please make a separate suggestion post and it will be sorted out.
Will do.
Also, you can apply for a theme.
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