Known Bug: Jump Transition Gives Error
Area name: ZQA Hillmarch Ogre Cave
Issue Location: dc10 jump at entrance of quest.
Quest Name: Ogrespawn in HillmarchLocation: dc:10 jump
Server Version: current
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With a grappling hook and grappling gun, i used the placeable to fire the grapple over, it consumed the grapple, however we still could not cross. "Transition Not Found"
Did you have all necessary parts? Grapple Gun, Grapple Hook, and Rope?
I did.
The grappling gun consumed the grappling hook a d then the transition was not usable. Like the hook disappeared entirely. We retrieved a second hook and it was still broken.
We did it today, and the transition bounced us back to the Boss section instead of the exit. Zool saved us.
It was on the way back
I would like to also point out every "Climb" marker in the Ogre quest is actually a "Balance check", the same with the Grapple Gun, it says "Climb" but you make a "Balance check".
Sometimes the jump/climb breaks, the way to fix it usually is just by having another PC click on it or by removing the grapple hook.
Pinned this bug report to make it clear its known, fix pending the return of @Haquin our local capybara. Or some other sad person able to fix it :3
@Zool @Strife-and-Discord could one of you take a look? I am pretty sure we fixed this
Is this one still an issue?
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