Ruler(RabbleRouser)/Dario Darkmore/Rogue 10/were-rat(human)/ WAGES
Ruler(RabbleRouser)/Dario Darkmore/Rogue 10/were-rat(human)
Applying for: Scummy Manticore WagesExplanation: My character is in the stage of being purely an evil rp/pvp influencer. Pcs are suspicious
of my character(Rightfully so). Essentially I am outcasted unofficially and as far as I know I have no other
aggressively evil pcs to accompany me on my great task(s)! SO, we resort to scummy coin! -
I am thinking 50 comparable to to Vaylan rank 2 as a starting point.
I am tempted to roll a PC to ahng with him.
Sure why not
Give him some NPC support.
There are options.
Von Draaken (who has already been in touch with him.
Wages s/b set.
As for NPC we can roll that into IC stuff.
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