[Set]Gruffman /Nicholas Alwin Appleberry/Aster Order
Topic Title: Gruffman /Nicholas Alwin Appleberry/Aster Order
1). Human/Fighter/Paladin/Lawful Good/5/Nicholas Alwin Appleberry
2). entry into the order as a paladin, and one day achieve Divine Champion
3). Story to pursue: Defeat the heretics who STOLE the domains of Lathander for personal gain. Directly confronting the True Sun and their allies. Also lead an expedition to prove that the Order of Aster has the favor of Lathander by recovering a lathanderite artifact and delivering it to the head of the order. This weapon will later be used to purge evil from the land in some way (like a Holy Grail story). Finally, we will attempt to bring justice and carry out criminal proceedings of evil-doers outside the city, essentially attempting to replace the True Suns' old purpose.
4). Normal log in handle, Gruffman -
Was recruited ICLy by Aritian(Shark). Granted there was some OOC discussion and the character was made to join Shark's group. I dropped in a gave him the squire set.
He wants to earn in game champion of Lathander so we'll see how this plays out.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on