[set]Satoyo/Nyx/Player Faction in the Faceless
I thought you (Ghost Elf Hunter NPC) destroyed the basement?
I say she can rent the space, give her free rest, and a 10-15 piece storage, for 1k/week. If she does things that promotes the Inn (and whatever Jo's intentions are) she can get more or get a discounted rent or whatever.
@Echo said in Satoyo/Nyx/Player Faction in the Faceless:
I thought you (Ghost Elf Hunter NPC) destroyed the basement?
I didn't delete the area, so it can be used in the future if we want to. But sure a single room is fine
Against co-ownership. Rented room and 25 unit storage
App for part-ownership of Jo's Faceless Inn / maybe start a player faction?
No. Rented space only.
Short term goals:
Continue expanding her business influence.
That's fine. No big dieal
Gain power/influence by working for the palace.
I thought the Palace was on lockdown? At least with the Rabble Rousers gone - but that's what this sounds like to me.
Protect investments by protecting the city.
Okay makes sense.
Improve Halfling Council status.
How will she do this?Longer term:
Get a special law enforcement position appointed by the palace, like a special bailiff or king's guard (higher rank than crimson guards)
Maybe possible if the king/palace give a shit about law enforcement, which it doesnt seem to, at least not at this point.
Plans to achieve above
Get master orbecks emporium built. (probably on hold cause DM voss isnt active) (Could be used to create a portal to stonelands aswell)
Not likely since it was Voss's story and he's gone.
Part-ownership of the faceless, get Jo to import halfling goods from the halfling council
No part ownership. Rented space only.
Set up a base for a player faction (special crimes unit, CSI?) in jo's basement, solve various cormyr related cases, or -create- major cases to solve. (both creating/solving cases would involve players)
Can be done in rented space.
OOC: I've played a highest ranking law enforcement person before.
Not sure why this is included.
tl;dr rented space with storage
@SpiffyMeister said in Satoyo/Nyx/Player Faction in the Faceless:
tl;dr rented space with storage
Works for me. We can add on as she earns things.
@Prof-Misclick said in Satoyo/Nyx/Player Faction in the Faceless:
@SpiffyMeister said in Satoyo/Nyx/Player Faction in the Faceless:
tl;dr rented space with storage
Works for me. We can add on as she earns things.
Confirming room with storage for 1k a week, no ownership
Set, room with storage x25, 1k a week, no ownership
10 000 gold paid for 10 weeks rent
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on