[Retired]Oasis of Secrets / Djehutimose Ini-Herit
Topic Title: Oasis of Secrets / Djehutimose Ini-Herit / Brothers and Sisters of the Quill Membership + Heresy / Different Domains + Mulan Language
- Human / Monk and Cleric Multiclass / LN / Djehutimose Ini-Herit
- What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc):
• Membership within the Brothers and Sisters of the Quill = https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Brothers_and_Sisters_of_the_Quill
• Heresy / Different Domains than the domain list: Using the Dogma and the portfolio as of Thoth as my guides, rather than the usual list of domains I would like to ask to be allowed to use Protection and Trickery(Both heavily referenced in the Dogma, portfolio and also the information about the Brothers and Sisters of the Quill) – If this is completely out of the question then I will take Spells instead of Trickery(But would hope this can still be considered)
• Mulan Language - A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue:
• Goals of the Quillian:
o Sent by the Quillians to the area of Arabel as a covert agent in order to obtain information about the knowledge outsiders out of Mulhorand possess and report it back to his Siblinghood, so it may be added to the knowledge troves of the Church or even taken from the unworthy
o To seek out stolen relics and lore from Mulhorand and return it to Mulhorandi hands
o Establish a temple for Thoth in Arabel to serve as a front for the operations of the Siblinghood of the Quill.
o Should any converts be worthy – Seek to add them to the Siblinghood
• Goals of the Thothian:
o Seeking those who wish to silence the study of magic by worthy vessels of knowledge and foil their efforts/get rid of them
o Spreading knowledge to those deemed worthy vessels of knowledge and the less fortunate: Organized seminars on different subjects, tutoring illiterates, etc
o Seek knowledge that is considered too dangerous for mortals to be worthy vessels of and lock it away from the world – For a time mortals prove themselves worthy of it.
o Seek knowledge that is not dangerous for mortals to be worthy vessels of and is currently denied from them and share it or liberate it for public consumption
o In the presence of Red Wizards of Thay or Followers of Set – Foil their plans and stand in their way at every turn.
o Convert others to the path of Thoth and the Mulhorandi gods – Taking away from other deities such as Denir, Oghma and Azuth their faithful and convincing them that those are just facets of the true pharaoh of knowledge Thoth. - If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
• Seter: Hound, Sori’s, Doombringer Ezekiel Gideon, Artieus Fireheart, Ignatius Balthazar Pike – Apprentice to Archmage Kanthea - Outline of Build and How it Fits into the Concept(Per Prof’s request):
• The build is likely going to be 1 Monk / X Cleric, though as time progresses roleplay actions might dictate a change of that. Mind though that this is the same as one would dip into 1 Fighter level to get access to heavy armor(Less strong than that)
• This build is meant to signify the avoidance of Thothian’s use of weapons and relying only on their body and magic. As such the Siblinghood developed the Way of the Ibis – A form that combines the fluidness of the body and its synergy with magic to serve as a weapon to be used when needed. It shows also a mastery over magic as you govern your own body for protection and attack without harming it(Toughening the skin by magic, channeling energy to finger tips or through an opponent’s nerves system and pressure points, etc)
• Main reason is to try to break the cookie mold of Full plate armored clerics with a tower/large shield and taking a stab at something much more different.
You voted "Other and What" but didnt say what, @Prof-Misclick
Other but Yes
- Brother/Sister of the Quill offers no real IG perk. As flavor to start he can earn perks around it.
- Mulan language (assuming it is supported) would be selectable anyhow.
- Protection domain is strong but this character will not be any stronger than the min maxed, full plate wearing cleric with War and Strength we've seen.
* I am yes to protection domain and building a kind of heresy around Thoth - No to Trickery Domain. He can select one of the approved Thoth domains for his second one.
edit: ".....Convert others to the path of Thoth and the Mulhorandi gods – Taking away from other deities such as Denir, Oghma and Azuth their faithful and convincing them that those are just facets of the true pharaoh of knowledge Thoth."
- AND i love the idea of this heresy starting.
@Echo said in Oasis of Secrets / Djehutimose Ini-Herit / Brothers and Sisters of the Quill Membership + Heresy / Different Domains + Mulan Language:
You voted "Other and What" but didnt say what, @Prof-Misclick
Because you are tooooooooo speedy!
I helped with the concept so I already knew what i'd vote
@Echo Show off :P
Other and what.
Who is this player?
Seter = Strife & Discord
@Prof-Misclick said in Oasis of Secrets / Djehutimose Ini-Herit / Brothers and Sisters of the Quill Membership + Heresy / Different Domains + Mulan Language:
Other but Yes
- Brother/Sister of the Quill offers no real IG perk. As flavor to start he can earn perks around it.
- Mulan language (assuming it is supported) would be selectable anyhow.
- Protection domain is strong but this character will not be any stronger than the min maxed, full plate wearing cleric with War and Strength we've seen.
* I am yes to protection domain and building a kind of heresy around Thoth - No to Trickery Domain. He can select one of the approved Thoth domains for his second one.
edit: ".....Convert others to the path of Thoth and the Mulhorandi gods – Taking away from other deities such as Denir, Oghma and Azuth their faithful and convincing them that those are just facets of the true pharaoh of knowledge Thoth."
- AND i love the idea of this heresy starting.
Approved based of Prof's notes
Ini-Herit was the name of a netherese NPC is v5...
I think it's one of those "example names" when you google the Mulhorandi culture.
Both names are traditional Egytpian names tbh, a bit like Ashby may have had meaning in the past versions but really is just a randomly generated name in nwn and a common name RL.
hm can't find any link to Mulhorandi culture in FR but it is an Egyptian name though.
I do not mind the name itself, it just bugs me that it was the name of a powerful NPC in v5, and the plot had links to the far realms...
https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/41248/iniherit-and-sovereign-hostEdit: And yes, Puffy, its a name with technically no meaning in Chapter One. It just reminds me of the whole weirdness of the plot and how powerful the NPC was. I will not object to it. Just wanted to point out the awkwardness of it.
Eh, can always ask him to change the lastname :)
@Puffy said in Oasis of Secrets / Djehutimose Ini-Herit / Brothers and Sisters of the Quill Membership + Heresy / Different Domains + Mulan Language:
just a randomly generated name in nwn and a common name RL.
This. I have no issue with the name and we do have a PC in game with the last name Ashby..
[10:36 AM] Echo: ok the only concern was Trickery Domain, and one voiced concern over the surname Ini-Herit because it was a major NPC in v5 (but I told them it was also a common name) but yah that's it so far. 4 "Yes" votes and 2 "change somethign" votes
[10:36 AM] Strife and Discord: Well I can certainly change the surname, or even remove it completely. I just wanted something with actual Egyptian meaning
[10:37 AM] Echo: yeah I figured as much
[10:38 AM] Strife and Discord: You can change it to Karnak if its that problematic and if it will calm the minds of any objectors
[10:38 AM] Strife and Discord: :slight_smile:
[10:40 AM] Strife and Discord: As for the domain part. Prof told me he would oppose if I submit two different domains, so its not unexpected. I just thought that since both Portfolio, Dogma and the Siblinghood of the Quill talk about secrets and knowledge as two separate things than it was okay to add Trickery. After all they also separate the titles and have two titles for knowledge related variants and one for secrets. Again this is my take
[10:42 AM] Echo: so go Protection and Knowledge?
[10:44 AM] Strife and Discord: I wanted to avoid the cookie cut mold. From what I understand only 2 really have opposition for me taking Protection and Trickery?
[10:45 AM] Strife and Discord: But this is the reason why I thought its possible:[10:47 AM] Strife and Discord: Again if its an issue for the entire team, I will adjust... But just wanted to put it up for a vote as I wanted to do something out of the cookie mold
[10:50 AM] Echo: I'll put this in the thread
[10:50 AM] Strife and Discord: Sure :slight_smile:
[10:50 AM] Strife and Discord: And name you can change :slight_smile:
[10:51 AM] Echo: mind if i just c/p our convo?
[10:52 AM] Strife and Discord: All good. Just please also add that Trickery offers mostly flavor and doesnt pack any major extra benefit like if I would have taken Spells.
But if the team decides I can only take one not listed Domain - then so be it :slight_smile:
[10:53 AM] Strife and Discord: The surname you can already change in the application if you would like -
No Trickery. Secrets is not trickery.
Thoth: Craft, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Spell
Shar's portfolio includes secrets and she does not grant trickery domain.
Caverns, dark, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, the Underdark, unrevealed secrets
The deities that grant access to Trickery are mostly aligned with portfolios that encourage thievery, stealth, and being a prankster or "Trickster" The notable exception being Oghma but he's a greater deity and whatever.
- Secrets is more aligned with KNOWLEDGE and knowing/learning stuff.
- Secrets of MAGIC
- Secrets of SPELLS
- Secrets of RUNES
- Secrets of CRAFTS [Domain not supported]
Djehutimose Karnak
Domains are Protection and Rune"set" as in allowed to play
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on