Working in some "free" weapon master feats to pure fighters would be nice and balance them with clerics. I do think though that the balance would come from better defensive abilities than offensive. Parry, dwarven-defender type stuff so that they can fend off the enemies while others take them down from a distance. Right now with low AC and OK AB/damage they need stoneskin to be useful as a front-liner.
Dual wielding, always fun for fighters. Bringing back the dervish kit would be awesome. a light armored dual wielding fighter makes for an excellent visual and excellent RP. Unfortunately they aren't too great beyond a concept. I would find a way to raise AC while dual wielding weapons you have a specialization in. Meaning you can use two different weapons and still get an ac buff, your character just needs to know what they are doing.
Exotic Weapon Fighter as in, a fighter specifically gifted at using -only- exotic weapons. maybe they get multiple specializations while leveling, however they don't get other feats. You could encourage a barbaric mentality by giving an enrage every 3 levels.
I also think battle field commanders are distinct from soldiers. A battlefield commander would make a good soldier, but being a good soldier does not mean you're a good commander. I'd look for a kit that buffs mostly social skills, and is built around a more regal upbringing. maybe throw in a 'bless' style spell that buffs the group every few turns, or a 1d4/turn heal to the group. like an inspiring speech.
Basic Soldier kit should be divided into TWO categories; Shield users and 2h weapon users.
Shield Soldiers should benefit each other. It would be cool to see feats/skills/stats amplified when more soldiers are working together. I would really like to see some kind of workaround where 2-3 basic shield soldiers gain AC within proximity of each other, essentially building a phalanx.
A basic soldier/2her would gain bonuses when overwhelmed, when fighting mutiple enemies, or perhaps gain damage bonus based on an opponents armor type. Heavy=normal, Medium=+1, light=+3, no armor=+5. Something like this.
I know a lot of people are wanting a "road to Weaponmaster" kit, however the PRC is meant to be somewhat vague so that it fits into various play styles and RP.. Its nice to be the chaotic madman with a sword who forges his own path into the way of the weaponmaster.. Its also nice to be more traditional, the soldier who finds a guide who leads them into a new way of life (the way of the sword). I'd suggest if you take anything away from my post, its this: Weapon master is intentionally vague. Keep it that way. don't make a subclass or kit or achetype that leads into it.
Biggest challenge for a fighter in dealing with the damage out put to damage received ratio.. Basically you need a means of healing while hitting stuff, or nothing happens and whatever you're hitting eventually just kills the group instead of you. It's my belief that the fighters biggest hurdle is healing himself/staying alive.. Though aside from bringing back Discipline stones, i'm not sure how you do that. I'll think on this..I'll elaborate on these when I get home. I'm at work right now :D
@SadGruffman i would maybe give fighters weird kinks/mechanics, dervish is a good example. But a shock trooper / ironbreaker with charge ability, wizard slayers (lose AB for saves) could be fun, so stuff that can make a fighter more distinctive.
Arbalist was really cool, so something like that would be fun.
Dual-wield dervish was nicemartial stones?
I love fighters, probably my favorite class to be honest. However, while you can build a variety of different ways(ranged, melee, dual wield, sword n' board, two hand) you generally end up with the same boring build path(for the most part).
- Feats. Yes, they get a shitload of feats as they level. I think the amount of bonus fighter feat one can choose from is limited though; I would suggest looking at adding more custom feats to choose from.
Two Weapon Defense/Improved Two Weapon Defense(more AC while dual wielding obv)
Two Weapon Rend(extra damage upon two successful attacks in a row)
Shield Bash(on hit daze, cooldown based, lose AC from shield for X number of rounds)
A better version of Power Attack/Improved Power Attack(-3 ab/+5 damage and -5 ab/ +10 damage etc.)
A better version of Expertise/Improved Expertise(-3 ab/+5 AC and -5 ab/ +10 AC etc.)
Power Attack/Improved Power Attack for bows(roots PC, -3 ab/ +5 damage and -5 ab/+10 damage)(Renamed "Power Shot")
- You COULD do kits/archetypes. I wouldn't mind seeing something more simple; maybe a pure class fighter gets to choose something every non bonus feat level, i.e.-
Level 1: BFF(Bonus Fighter Feat)
Level 2: BFF
Level 3: Choice of: Armor Specialization(light OR medium OR heavy) that improves armor bonus every 2 levels(3, 5, 7, 9); OR something similar to this(Great Weapon Specialization +1 ab/damage at 3, 5, 7, 9 to a specific/all two handers) OR Shield Specialization(additional Shield AC, extra feat like Shield Bash, etc.) OR Dual-wield master (grants additional bonuses while dual wielding every 2 levels)
Level 4: BFF
Level 5: Armor Specialization +2 or similar path
Level 6: BFF
Level 7: Armor Specialization +3 or similar path
Level 8: BFF
Level 9: Armor Specialization +3(armor bonus stays the same), Armor Damage Reduction(some balanced amount of DR or soak is applied to chosen armor specialty, maybe something else depending on armor type)
Level 10: BFF
Fighters is tricky class to tweak since with the straightforward changes they can significantly outshadow barbarians, rangers and paladins. One of the changes already has been made, and welcome one, changing their HP gains to 8 HP per level. They already have a bit higher damage due to ability to spare feats and take weapon focus feat and access to weapon specialization feat, which, unlike rage or smite, work all the time. And they are the only class who can take Improved Critical right when it's available - at level 8. All while taking feats like knockdown, disarm or saves, to create your unique fighter.
In my opinion, since their main feature is customization, their bonuses should focus on providing utility, situational advantage, or supporting otherwise gimmicky builds and multiclasses, instead of empowering already solid damage capabilities. Something like:"Eldritch Discipline:
Completely negates arcane spell failure while your fighter and arcane caster levels is in range of 1 from each other.""Pavise:
Can place an obstacle that blocks line of sight for the archers. Bonus saves while near the Pavise. Might have an additional effect like casing something when destroyed. Pavise fighter can unsummon it and use it again if obstacle wasn't destroyed, but damage made to it persists until the rest.""Bannerman:
Gets a custom banner item that can be wielded instead of a shield, providing aura depending on the banner type.""Doppelsöldner:
Whirlwind with disarm roll on hit, usable 1-2 times per day while holding two-handed weapon." -
Giving this a bump for any last minute suggestions.
unlocks umd for fighters
+3 spellcraft
3/day magic missle
1/day magic weapon
1/day mage armorProbably op but might reduce all those fighter rogue scumbuilds :P
Reduced to medium armor @petey512 !
Give back Arbelist (sp? Arbalist?) please.
Crossbow fighter. I don't remember the stats from the old kit >_> -
@Miss_Behaviour said in Fighters:
Give back Arbelist (sp? Arbalist?) please.
Crossbow fighter. I don't remember the stats from the old kit >_>There was a stance you used that gave like +2 AB and some damage bonuses iirc. @Ethika played one and so too did @sharkinajar
Suggestions and feedback reviewed, with changes implemented.