Module Changes
Added stuff in preparation for mysterious things later.
v7056: Crafting changes
- Birch Trees: Increased minimum birch bark from each tree from 1 to 2; maximum is still 6.
- Alchemy: Made it so that if you fail roll when making barkskin you do not lose the birch bark but you do still lose the essence of bark (and have to make another)
- Brewing: Made it so you dont lose your "wort" when failing a roll at beer brewing
- Enchanting: Made it so you dont lose your leather bag when failing a roll at making elemental bags
- Enchanting: Made it so you dont lose your weapon when failing a roll to add elemental enchantment to it
- Carpentry: made it so you get back 1/2 of your metal ingots when failing to add metal to wooden weapons. You still get 1 mangled metal piece back as well.
- Carpentry: made it so you dont lose your arrowheads or elemental bags when failing at making arrows/bolts; you still lose shafts and feathers
- Carpentry: made it so you dont lose your bow cams when failing at making compound bows
- Carpentry: made it so you dont lose all your ingredients when failing at making druid staves (you still lose some, but not the 'rare' items like elk antlers)
- Enchanting: maybe enchanting shields and wizard staves will work now? IDK!
- Enchanting: made it so you dont lose your enchanted gems or enchanted metals or rare bounty items when failing rolls. You still lose basic stuff and elemental bags.
- Tinkering: made it so you dont lose your molds when failing at making items
- Tinkering: made it so you dont lose your molds or leather bags when failing at making items
- Tinkering: made it so you dont lose your elemental bags when failing at making traps
- Scribing: you no longer lose your gem dust when failing to scribe scrolls
- Jewelry: you no longer lose your mold or enchanted metal when failing at making jewelry. You now also receive gem dust when you fail at making jewelry.
- Titanium Stuff: Made it so you dont lose your weapon or all of your enchanted metals (still can lose 1 where >1 is required) when failing a roll to add titanium coating to it
- Silver Stuff: Made it so you dont lose your weapon or all of your enchanted metals (still can lose 1 where >1 is required) when failing a roll to add silver coating to it
- Baking: Made it so you dont lose your oil or yeast when failing to make bread/pies; adjusted meat pie recipe just a bit
- Misc: construction rocks might work now.
Changes to Rogue class tested and working.
Barbarian Rage number confirmed working
Added Weapon Specialization feat for
- Maul
- Short Spear
- Falchion specialization issue s/b fixed
Professor v7062
- After feedback from crafters and a review of consumables we have adjusted prices closer to their original number. We'll continue to monitor them and make adjustments as we think are needed.
- Added new potions to some stores.
- Attempted fix for
Puffy v7063.
- Added spawn point to Murdered Manticore
- Helmlands have been updated in regards of CARES, layout, CNR spawns and some accesses.
- Forgotten Tunnels not accessible cause I just remembered that I forgot to set up the new trans.
As of today's hak update:
Fighter now have
- 8 hp per level
- 4 skill points per level
- Free Bonus Feat: Dodge granted at level 6
Level 7
- Bonus feat selected from Fighter Bonus Feats - Must meet feat pre-requisites
Level 9
- Bonus feat selected from Fighter Bonus Feats - Must meet feat pre-requisites
Fighters will also have access to a custom store with items that are only usable by (OUB) Pure Class Fighter. No multiclasses allowed. - Pending implementation.
Echo v7080
Paladins have been reset to 7hp per level.
Hit Points
Hit Points is worked out on an dice average and adjusted to balance out other class perks. Each level a class will be given a set point of HP. The
HP average for each class is listed below:d12- 10hp - Barbarian (Dwarven Defender)
d10- 8hp - Fighter, (Black Guard, Divine Champion, Purple Dragon Knight, Weapon Master)
d10- 7hp - Paladin
d8- 6hp - Ranger, Cleric, Druid (Arcane Archer, Shadowdancer, Shifter)
d6- 4 hp - Bard, Monk, Rogue (Assassin, Harper Scout, Pale Master, Red Dragon Dicipline)
d4- 3hp - Sorcerer, Wizard -
Professor v7081
XP granted for End of Quest turn in will now scale based on level. It will also take into account ECL.
Puffy 7082
- New Pure Fighter Store available in Clover Market:
- Ants Nest has been combined into a single quest
- A new WIP quest called "Black Point" can be seen in Arabel, Outskirts, Calantar's Road. Not available yet!
Puffy 7099
Mysterious sandy ruin now had functional puzzle doors
Added spawnpoint to People's Palace
Fixed Cornbread recipe bug
Fixed iron halberd damage type
Fixed area transition bug in Ant's quest.
Fixed some of the darendaal crypt bugs.
Added a bell chain and signal device to Lathanderite temple. -
Broken Knucke Beer wasnt requiring Almond Oil as stated on the forums, added it to the recipe script
Added 2 new alcohol recipes: Salted Caramel Pecan Wine and Dark Raspberry Moonshine
Added 2 new alchemy recipes: Essence of Warding, Gorgon's Bane
Corrected the price of boxes brewing bottles in the brewing shop
Gorgons now have scales you can collect for alchemy
New via Alchemy: Essence of Warding, Potion of Protection from Petrification, Potion of Death Ward and Gorgon's Bane (Stone to Flesh)
Removed stolen flag from falcon's feathers & brewing bottles
Increased chances of Copper spawning in Hillmarch Tunnels
Maybe found the issue with Stonelands Tunic
Added Gold Onyx Ring and Silver Onyx Necklace to jewelry crafting
Added Oak, Hickory, and Mahogany Short spears to Wood Crafting
Added Amulet mold to tinker shopTilverton
Added crafting stations
Added tailoring models
Changed "Flag of Arabel" to "Flag of Tilverton"
Added crafting NPCs for shopsQuests
Calantar Cave changed journal name from jt_calantarcave_0 to jt_calantarcave to match the variable on the boss
rewrote journal for frost giant cave in Ice Palace quest
Replaced snake at end of Immerflow quest with a boulderMisc Stuff
Removed damage to familiars upon summoning
- Hullack Forest Updated
- Hunters Union areas updated
- Minor bug fixes
- Server updated to reflect recent events related to the White Horde
- Added prestige points to quest look lacking it
- Eveningstar has been updated
- Tilverton now have some CNR resources, to allow exile crafting
- Bard songs now grant prestige if handed in
- Ore/minerals updated to grant lower more general prestige
Attempted fixing an issue with SF: Conjuration incorrectly giving buffs to summons that should have been granted only to Wizard school specialization: Conjuration.
Summoning Theme adjustments
- [Animal/Beasts of the Wild/CoA Default]
You should be able to modify your shields as of version 7154.
Same way you mod cloaks/helms
Updates to Mirsim estate and Tilverton to reflect IG events.
Summoning Theme adjustments
- Book: Mechanical Monsters / Constructs
- Book: Exterminator's Guide / Vermin
- Prestige costs have been lowered across all prestige stores
- Some prestige items have been tweaked to reflect the lower price
- Some too good to be true items have been edited
- More prestige items will be added as more suggestions are put forth
- Palace prestige store now has FLAGS! Enjoy
New treasure system implemented.
You shouldn't notice a huge change from the player side of things if I did it right.
This is to allow us to make changes more easily and with better control, so we can make cool stuff more easily.This first implementation though, tries to stay as close to the status quo as possible, so.
Please report anything totally wild happening, or any major changes you find to quest loot, loot dropping from monsters, amounts of gold you get anywhere etc.
The following quest have had some tweaks. Mostly to make them scale better to the party (or lack of a party if soloing)
Starwater Tomb (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Jasmine Popine, located in Eveningstar -
Troll Bog (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Jessikah Tinga, located in King's Forest, Collinwood -
Raging Elementals (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Jacqueline Farsight, located in Helmlands, Blasted Lands -
Hullack Bandits (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Hullack Bandits, located in Hullack Forest, High Crimmond
(NOTE! - This quest still require less powerful versions of a certain arachnid to allow scaling to less powerful parties... for now, I advise smaller groups to avoid the extra area through a tight space check. -
Goblin Valley (6-9)
Party Size: 1-10
Quest Giver: Red Raven, located in Moonsea Ride, Stonebolt Trail
(Very minor mod to the boss)
- Dhedluk (6-9)
Partysize: 1-10
Quest Giver: Katheryn Jamesway, located in King's Forest, Nelnueve's Rest
(This has not been modified, but will be)