Module Changes
- Irondrake Rock rebuilt
Merchant Stalls Update - Sales:
You are now able to set a sale on your Merchant Stall, via a new option under the Stall management section of the conversation.
A sale will let you set a percentage increase/decrease for all prices of either the entire stall inventory or more narrow selection of categories(I.E Only sale on weapons, etc). You are also able to set a time for the sale to end(Between 1-5 RL days), and can end a sale or start a new one at any time.
As anything new, please report any bugs or exploits you find.
Live from the next upcoming reset!
- Hillmarch Ogres now featuring... MORE OGRES!
- Minor decoration and layout tweaks
- Encounters re-adjusted to allow scouting RP
- New ogres added, soloers be warned they can be tough
- Palace interior has been redone and lore nodes updated
- South Horn mildly tweaked
V8371, Strawman:
- Added new tileset haks to our collection so we can build new areas completely
V8372, Strife:
- Added new reskins and appearances of creatures to continue giving our old game its much needed facelift
- Added Vial of Poison as a new base item that behaves like a potion, which means we can now give each poison its own unique appearance so they can be differentiated. The vials can also stack now.
- South Horn redesigned with new tileset, some lore updates
- Tempest Valley redesigned with new tileset and some lore updates
Minor bug fixes to the new areas
- Dragontrail, Drakewood redesigned with a new tileset and lore
- Area descriptions added to areas which were missing them
- Slingdyke redesigned with new tileset
- Ogres spawns tweaked
- Wild CARES updated, less brown bears at lvl 4
- Falcon's Rest redesigned
Echo's changes
8380, 8383, 8385 - project and behind the scenes stuff
Craftingreduced levels of cutting and polishing ruby and emerald to 10
Added oak & mahogany spears
removed large/small oak-and-gem, oak-and-web, oak-and-iron shield recipes, also removed from palette
added small & large hickory shields and mahogany shields recipes and added to palette
most recipes updated (see crafting spreadsheet)
Finished setting up the new crafting shops. Set up for NPCs in: Arabel: Interiors (all relevant NPCs),Historic District (Daglar Maermeet), Outskirts: Moonsea Ride (Kanna Grossman, added new NPC (Vashand) for bonecrafting), Hillmarch (Handeren, Jach.)BUG FIXES Minotaur Raider, Minotaur Totem Shaman were not set to disarmable. fixed.
typo in recipe for kobold arrows and bolts, fixed both8390
updated NPCs with new crafting shop names in:High Crimmond
Irondrake rock8393
Flora updates
Bug fixes
Project stuff
bug fix
Bugs Fixed
updated "underground" areas to the new mining system
updated summon themes, again (rats, vermin, and elementals are getting some surprises)
Bug fixed:
added new crafting recipes for inks, scribing, jewelery. thanks to @EyeOfGruumsh for the new tailoring ideas
more work on flora -
Ancient Watch Tower updated with new undead, new loot variants and some more lore. Take caution and please report any balance issues
- Continued work on the flora part of the Trinity system
- Added a new quality of life to resting - You will now be informed when you are tired enough to rest, so you wont have to spam the R/Rest button to see how much time is left.
- fixed a ton of internal bugs that players likely wouldnt have noticed but they were spamming up the errors chatlog
- Elemental Summon 5 boosted a bit after constructive feedback from players
V8403 Changelog:
- Bug Fix:
- Additional work on the Flora aspect of the Trinity resource system
V8404 Changelog:
- Ancient Watchtower quest Look tweak
- Tessaril's Tower quest Monsters tweak
- Clearing up old bugged monsters from the palette
V8405 Changelog:
- Bug fixes to the Resource node aspect of the Trinity resource system, where nodes didnt spawn in the following areas properly:
- King's Forest: King's Abyss
- King's Forest: Queen's Abyss
- King's Forest: Plungepool Caverns
- Underground: Hidden Grottos
- Underground: Deep Chasms
- Added 150+ new placeables to be used by builders
- Added new tileset to be used by builders
V8406 Changelog:
- Additional Ancient Towers quest loot tweaks
V8407 Changelog:
- Updated Elven deity statues appearance in the Hullack Forest
- Fixed incorrect/missing descriptions of crafting materials
- Bug Fix:
- Fixed pricing on some items
- Removed prestige points from purchasable items
- Fixed some pelts that were marked as unidentified
- Implemented Suggestion:
- Added Worm Wiggle and Trout Backstroke as available potions in Alchemy
- Added Wyvern venom as new Poison in Alchemy
V8408 Changelog:
- Bug Fix:
- Bug Fix:
- Added 142 new music tracks to be used by builders for areas
- New library area available in the Plaza
- New court area available in the Plaza
- removed "stolen" flag from pelts and leathers
- bugfix:
- updated appearances of feline craftable bags (will only apply to newly crafted items)
- added new elk-based items
- Storm Horns updated with the new trinity system for ores, crystals and resources
- Descriptions added to Storm Horn areas missing them
- Barrenstone loot drop tweaked based of player feedback
- Thematic loot items added to various areas across the module
- Stonelands now offer thematic area loot drop
- The Dead Magic Zone area in the Stonelands has been updated, monsters should not be able to cast any more. Safe magic zones added, with IC hints.
- Fixed the court house transition bug
- Updated Stonelands: Snaking Tunnels and Caverns of the Sun with better CARES layout
- Also decorated the areas a little more, added some secrets and added some more interesting features
- Another tweak to the null magic zone
V8432 Change Log:
Implemented Suggestions:
- Implemented a @Cojak81 's suggestion to add confirmation step of the respawn location when in the Fugue, which will look like this:
New Portraits:
Added new portraits for both players and builders:
- 5x NPC/Creature Portraits
- 14x Human Female Portaits
- 18x Human Male Portraits
Aquatic System Related Changes:
Thanks to the amazing @TheMinionOfArabel we now have dedicated effect icons for Water Breathing, Trout Backstroke and drowning. The first two are already implemented and should give you indication when said spell are active and when they ran out:
Drowning will be implemented as well in near future.
Merchant Stalls and Stores related Changes:
- Adjusted all common summoning tomes to be sellable to stores and in Merchant Stalls.
- Adjusted minimum price of all Merchant Stalls to
- This is done to accommodate crafters wanting to create raw ingredients and selling them in their stalls for other crafters