Module Changes
Fixed scaling issue with resized shapeshifted forms (maybe)
Worked on pirate themed quest/exploration areas
Added 2 new druid groves
Bugs fixed -
- Eveningstar updated to reflect recent story development
- Minor CARES tweaks to improve balance and flavour
- Treasure chest message fixed by @Echo
- Minor improvements to various areas
- The rats in the city have all been eaten by the cats
- Disease triggers moved to filthy areas only
- NPC rumours updated to reflect recent IG events and changes
- Bospir has been tweaked
- Haunted Halls, King's & Queen's Abyss, and Redwood have had their CARES improved based of player feedback
- Haunted Halls, King's & Queen's Abyss, and Redwood have had their resources improved based of player feedback
- Barrenstone quest moved to the Redwood entrance based of player feedback
- The arena has had dummies and archery targets added
- Various DMless plot hints added across the module
- Multiple bug reports/suggestions implemented
- Player bases now have seating arrangements
- Forgotten Tunnels dangerous with valuable rewards
- CARES tweaked in the desert
- Messenger kenku's have been fired
- Dye merchant now stands next to the cloth modifier
- Changes made IG to reflect recent Precept Plottage
- New loot implemented in various quests based of player feedback
- Goldfeather's ruin quest has been updated to be more lowbie friendly
- Treasure Maps can now be handed in for 15pp, its still more profitable to dig them up but allows them to be handed in if you have a lot
- Feys should now sometimes drop fey themed treasure
- Some bugs and suggestions implemented
Version 7785:
- QoL: Dye Merchants no longer require the action of refreshing their dyes and those will be available all the time. Additionally, all dyes will now have both proper names and numbers.
Version 7786:
Certain undisclosed exploit fixed
Fix attempt for temporary item properties persisting resets deployed
Bug fix:
Bug fix:
New Item Modification system rolled out - Currently dummies will only be found in the start area and Clover Market. Once we are certain the system is stable and functioning properly we will migrate all dummies to the new system. What does it offer?
- Better and cleaner UI
- Ability to modify weapons
- Features like copying appearance from one side of the body to the other, etc
- Support for all dye colors
VERSIONS 8006-8007:
- Bug Fix:
- Bug fixed in Prestige System's display board
- All old Tailoring dummies were replaced with the new Fitting Dummies
- All scripts/conversations from old Tailoring Dummy system and Zool's older system were removed (140 scripts)
- Fitting Dummies in the New Dawn area charge only 15gp for new PCs
- Fitting Dummies fees everywhere else was aligned with how the old system worked and cannot exceed 800gp
- Transcendence's Charter House was added a Spawnpoint setting placeable
- Blocked the ability of none faction members from using [Redacted spoiler] inside the charter House
- Bell chain code(And gongs and Drums) completely reworked and now also supports sending Discord messages to factions/groups channels:
New Item Customization System updates:
- You should now be able to speak not only the color numerical value to the Fitting Dummy, but also the actual human speech name of the color(I.E Red, Scarlet, etc)
- You will now be able to copy the design of certain items in your inventory to the one you are currently modifying. Please make sure to report any too-good-to-be-true bugs/exploits if you find any!
To bring crafted potions as close as I could to brew potion feat costs, some changes have been made:
- (cost increase) changed
Lesser Reagent
toGreater Reagent
in Bless recipe - (cost decrease) changed
Pristine Reagent
toExceptional Reagent
in Mage Armor recipe - (cost increase) changed
Pristine Reagent
to2 Exceptional Reagent
in animal buff potions - (cost increase) changed
Basic Reagent
toGreater Reagent
in endure elements potion - (cost increase)changed
Pristine Reagent
to2 Pristine Reagent
in Antidote potion - (cost increase) changed
Pristine Reagent
to3 Pristine Reagent
in Speed potion - (cost increase) changed
Pristine Reagent
to2 Exceptional Reagent
in Clarity recipe to get closer to feat cost - (cost increase) changed
Pristine Reagent
to2 Pristine Reagent
in Death Ward potion
- Immersea and surrounding regions updated to reflect recent plot development
- Collinwood now has a crafting station
- Minor edits/fixes
Raise Dead and Resurrection Cost Reduction:
After a discussion within the Admin team, it was decided to heed the feedback of the player base and reduce the costs for both Raise Dead and Resurrection services handed out by NPCs:
- Raise Dead price tag lowered from 5000gp to 3500gp
- Resurrection price tag lowered from 10000gp to 7500gp
The team of course reserves the right to make additional changes and tweaks to balance in this area
BI Event Support Related work:
We are beginning to roll out an initial test at recording player actions in the form of BI(Business Information) events. This saved data will be used to provide the team with insights of overall trends so that it can make informed data-driven decisions.
Once the work is more mature we will share screenshots of our less confidential dashboards, we promise!
- Hullack Webbed Maze has been updated with a new spider CARES set up
Version 8025:
Armor patterns have been added to the Smithing store. You may still of course craft those as Tailors to save gold and this measure is more for those who do not mind sinking in some gold into the Armorsmithing art. The team of course reserves the right to tweak the prices
Continued implementations of BI events
Version 8038:
Bug Fixes:
Change Log:
- Protection from Alignment(Law/Chaos/Evil/Good) was changed to be less godly, and no longer gives Mind spells immunity. Spell description also changed to reflect it:
When this spell is cast, the caster chooses a target to be protected from chaos, evil, good, law, or neutrality. The target receives a +2 deflection bonus to AC and +2 to all saving throws.Instead of the vanilla mind immunity, a bonus to the saving throw to any mind-affecting spells and spell-like abilities used by creatures of the chosen alignment is granted:
Caster Level 1-7 grants +5 bonus
Caster Level 8+ grants +10 bonus (does not stack with +5 from level 1-7)
Spell Focus: Abjuration grants +2 bonus
Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration grants +5 bonus (does not stack with +2 from Spell Focus: Abjuration)
Specialist Wizard (Abjuration) grants additional +5 bonus
- Following spells received Spell Icon facelift, thanks to the amazing @TheMinionOfArabel :
New Content:
New spells added:
Work in Progress:
- New Fishing System being tested before rollout
- Additional BI events are added to increase game coverage
Version 8040:
- CARES updated along the roads
- A handful of quests location changed
- Major module changes reflecting todays event (What to be revealed after event)
- Consortium is no longer available without a DM
- Prestige fetch quest has been updated with a new list of available items to fetch (May affect current quests, ask NPC to check)
- Rotting Goblin Tribe has more traps and a new range of harder goblins that can spawn, giving more of a challenge for high lvl pcs
- Moonsea Ride Goblin Tribe has more traps and a new range of harder goblins that can spawn, giving more of a challenge for high lvl pcs
- Hullack Forest Wyvernwoods/Firefall Vale are both updates with better CARES set up and the forest layout has been changed to optimise area usage
- High Road Haunted Halls, East Way, have both have had some minor CARES layout improvements
- Moonsea Ride quest has had a total revamp of all encounters, the quest is now highly suitable for being going hunting
Version 8057:
New portrait pack has been added with new portraits for players to choose from:
- 8 new Dwarven female portraits
- 30 new Dwarven male portraits
- 47 new Elven female portraits
- 28 new Elven male portraits
- 6 new Gnome female portraits
- 6 new Gnome male portraits
- 47 new Half Elf female portraits
- 8 new Half Elf male portraits
- 11 new Halfling female portraits
- 12 new Halfling male portraits
- 16 new Half Orc female portraits
- 26 new Half Orc make portraits
- 82 new Human female portraits
- 85 new Human male portraits
We will periodically add more portraits, so if you have a portrait that isnt in our pack and want us to add it in - Toss me a PM on Discord
- A new High Priest of Cyric has been appointed in Arabel as of 1363DR, with the mortuary reopening in the Sewers
- Sewers have been updated to reflect this recent change
- Treasure chest items update, somewhere missing charges or were a bit too good to be true
- Fix attempted with the prestige fetch quest
- Clean Up Crew is located in the South East area of the Sewers
- Cat familiars no longer cast cat's grace, temporary measure until various bugs with familiars are reviewed
- Added conversations to most of the major faiths in Arabel, detailing the lore. Have also added books IG and to the library with similar info
- Some crafting components have lost some weight, such as feathers
- Fixed the Cyric NPC who praised Talona