[Approved]MiladyMouse/Nanthleene/Wild Walkers + Perks
rework in progress.
@Puffy @Skulduggery
Would this more appealing?1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character
Wood Elf/Druid/TN/4/Nanthleenee2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Wild Walkers + plant companion (if possible) + access to plant summon theme (if not given by class or deity)3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue
%(#76b341)[Background:] Nanthleenee is a young elven druid who wishes to be more than one with animals or nature spirits, she wish to be one with the forest and nature itself. She has bound herself to the emotions of nature and feels part of it. Being an elf, she has the luxury of time to accomplish her goals and after all, plant life works slowly. She will work indirectly and subtly, like a vine slowly covering ruins or a root slowly destroying a foundation.
A - One must become the Forest and Nature.- Recruit wild walkers of all sort to research natural phenomenon like forest spirits, guardians, living, moving plants, etc.
- Settle in the Redwood grove and manage it to strengthen the natural barrier against the Helmlands, and herself in the process. (stronger plants/trees, new or additional guardians)
- hunt the unnatural to become stronger and to research what plant life to best destroy it.
- Utltimate end: attempt to become plant herself and command the forest.
B - Nature prevails in due time, and will take its revenge.
- She knows that alone she is not strong enough so she will recruit any and all, often in subtle ways, to get back at the tower and hope to stop them. (like work with Diablo's PC, help the Ghosts or other factions, even criminals as long as they keep their evil ways to the city.)
- Find indirect ways to punish those who disrespect nature with plant attacks or crop failure, etc. Maaaybe turn a mage or two into petrified wood. Or connect them briefly to the pain they cause nature to teach them a lesson.
- Impossible goal: Crumble the tower from beneath with powerful roots, maybe even replace it with a massive tree.
4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
Loonayaa - TheMinionOfArabel - MatriarchNotes:
1 - weaknesses: afraid of fire, slow to react at times and emotionally connected to a degree to plant life. (aka she can feel nature's pain) The more she advance in her goal, the stronger the connection will be.
2 - The city is unnatural and she will resent it always. The den of cut stone is most foul under one's feet, however, it must entered to teach these citydwellers the errors of their ways.
3- Deity: Solonor and Rillifane mainly.
4 - She tends to refer to herself as "we" but still realizes she is not fully one with nature and is still a flesh and blood being. "This one" would be then how she speaks of herself. -
Yep to the rework. No idea about the plant companion but it would be cool if it could be done.
It can be done. iCanBeAnimalCompanion ignores racial restrictions.
Looks great!
This 100% gets my yes.
Time to become a plant.
thinks about it a minute
I am Groot. >_> -
@Echo :heart_suit:
If I do not get stuck at work until 10 pm again (gods I hope not!) then I should be creating this PC this evening EST time if a DM is available. Will only be able to play a few hours though. Going to go help my mom with an event tomorrow so going to her place tonight late, after all the evil traffic is gone.
oh, before I forget, my PC account will need access to Wild Walkers at the least.
Elves too maybe?MiladyMouse
going to try and apply to the forums. Never sure how it works XD
I am sorry, but I will be shelving this for the time being...
With wildshape not in yet and multiple summons not yet functional, and wand crafting also, me being terrible at pvp, and no other wildwalker people around, I've shot myself in the foot with the concept and build. I may roll it back up another time and when a group concept is doable. I'm just not feeling it sadly... It is disapointing and I do apologies. -
No apology needed, Matriarch. It's a good concept. I'm sorry we have been so slow at helping you with what you need.
@Echo said in [Approved]MiladyMouse/Nanthleene/Wild Walkers + Perks:
No apology needed, Matriarch. It's a good concept. I'm sorry we have been so slow at helping you with what you need.
+1 Sorry.
I'll get to it later :) Hopefully with friends :D
@Matriarch said in [Approved]MiladyMouse/Nanthleene/Wild Walkers + Perks:
I'll get to it later :) Hopefully with friends :D
If you teach me how to droooood I will shower you with gifts. (Or make you play a paladin with me🤔)
hmmmmm. :thinking_face:
As a druid lover, I will shower you with so much love, that I will become your Animal Companion.
But yes, more druid players would be better...we got some Tower PCs out there that need a good kick in the ass!
Wait, is the new girl trying to outbid my love?
I am so proud.
indeed she is hehe
Once druids get sorted out with wildshape and stuff, multiple summon work, and there is some interested from players to play a wildwalker, I will definately jump back on this.
@Matriarch said in [Approved]MiladyMouse/Nanthleene/Wild Walkers + Perks:
multiple summon work
this works now for SF an GSF conjuration