Hard Yes from me.
Gladness is not so much a character as a work of art in regard to being an utter pest in character while being highly enjoyable out of character, and I will fully support any opportunity to make him more people's problem.
Hard Yes from me.
Gladness is not so much a character as a work of art in regard to being an utter pest in character while being highly enjoyable out of character, and I will fully support any opportunity to make him more people's problem.
She also killed Lydie while defending the honour of the crimson lady. While wearing the uniform.
Changing my vote to a yes as I feel she has now done something to somewhat placate the hardliners like Saga by clearly and proudly representing Vaylan against a slanderous foe.
1). Axani Human/Monk-Wizard/LN/4/Sal Ilas
2). Tower Mage
3). Sal Ilas sees imperfection in the world. It is messy, disorganized, chaotic. He has seen it since he was but a child, growing up knowing he was different. Not everyone saw the world as he did, not everyone could see the cracks that threatened to send it all spiraling into chaos. But he did, and he could begin work to fix it. He could make it perfect. And he could start with himself.
He trained himself, Physically and mentally. Learning Magic to Augment his physical state. He heard of a mages tower in arabel, where morality and superstition would not impede his persuit of perfection, and knew that he must go there.
Seek out methods of Physical and Magical enhancement
Perform Experiments on Himself and Others, to try and bring them closer to perfection.
Study the creatures of the Material plane, Cataloguing their Behaviour and Physcial ability to Determine their final perfect state
Seek out agents and being of chaos in order to bring them down the path of order and perfection. Forcibly if nessecary.
Failing that, Purge them. They have no place in a perfect world.
4). You still know who I am
@Man-in-the-Mist Wearing your uniform is a rule because it is a uniform. That is the purpose of it.
If the faction is giving you free resting, discounted potions, a wage and NPC support, the very least they expect of you is that you wear the uniform they give you to represent them.
The Issue has become both an IC and an OOC one. She was warned on both sides about wearing the uniform, the OOC aspect of the punishment is that she had to give up her Glamour, the IC aspect in my opinion is that she has to re-earn the trust of her faction.
@Lord_Acererak I have no issue with her achievements being recognised. But as the issue was with her faction, she shouldn't be rewarded by her faction.
@SpiffyMeister I have litterally never once seen her in her uniform.
And whether it's what you would do or not doesn't change the fact that "if you are in a faction, wear your uniform" is both an in character and out of character rule that she decided didn't apply to her despite multiple warnings, and she went out of her way to avoid having to follow it even when we tried to meet her partway.
I'm acctually with Prof on this one.
ICly, she has done pretty much all of this while causing almost as many problems as she solves, and while faking wearing the uniform.
OOC, She was told several times to wear the uniform, and took advantage of a Storyteller not being aware it was an OOC issue to get around it. The entire wardrobe of Vaylan uniforms was redesigned, essentially FOR her, and she STILL didn't wear the new gear most of the time.
If she is going to get a promotion, she first has to earn back the trust of her superiors. And that means proving she is acctually willing to follow the rules as a fang. Until then, I am against her becoming a scale. Getting rid of the Glamour was merely the first step.
I think you'll find his official title is "Boy Toy"
But yes, he's been trying to make himself useful around Misrim, and Victor and I are going to try and make him essential to our plans.
I love Dario. One of my favourite characters we have around at the moment. But if Jastyne tried to make him a viper now, Saga would murder him herself for the insolence of him thinking he deserves that honour.
I agree to waiting. He is making a storm yes. But pay close attention to the amount of collateral he is leaving in his wake.
I want to see CB's ultra smug paladin get even smugger. But I doubt they'd approve of her throwing around authority she doesn't acctually have yet. She needs to prove herself a real asset.
CB is on the right path for sure, but he needs a little more substance. Maybe when the statue plot is done.