Some issues crafting Gilded Armors
Gilded Helmet doesnt show up at all.
Gilded Bracers somehow require 2 iron bracers to craft. Does not require any oil at all.
Gilded Boots doesnt require any oil to craft. The recipe level on this seems off. (Harder to craft Gilded Boots than Mithril boots)
Gilded Boots seem HEAVIER. Even with 60% Weight Reduction. (3.3 lbs? REALLY?)
@jalafoon said in Some issues crafting Gilded Armors:
Gilded Boots seem HEAVIER
iron boots are 3.3 lb and are the base for gilded
will fix the other stuff next time i do mod work
That doesnt seem right, though.Both Platinum boots AND Mithril Boots are 0.5 lbs
But, as you know, stats for all metal armors (including boots) are under review
@jalafoon said in Some issues crafting Gilded Armors:
Gilded Helmet doesnt show up at all.
i had forgotten about this bug report... so...
fixed gilded helm - recipe was broken
added greater ench oil to boots recipereduced weight of iron & gilded boots by a bit
@jalafoon said in Some issues crafting Gilded Armors:
Harder to craft Gilded Boots than Mithril boots
yes gilded boots are recipe level 12 mithril boots are recipe level 11. we can say that the delicate work if gilding the iron boots makes it harder to produce the gilded ones.
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