Change 4-9 quests to 4-10
yes please
under discussion
Alternative suggestion to consider as well: Make all quests able to be taken solo.
Next, reset delivery quest that take you from one town to another will be 4-10.
@Swifty-Willownall said in Change 4-9 quests to 4-10:
Alternative suggestion to consider as well: Make all quests able to be taken solo.
Some of the harder quests require more than one person as it might be a death trap for solo players. We can make those soloable too on the settings, but we wont be rebalancing them so trying to solo them and dying will be on you.
That being said we are discussing how to encourage players to party up more and solo less, mind.
Most quests have different loot levels based on party level, right? Perhaps, instead of character levels determining loot levels, party size?
@TuesdayParade said in Change 4-9 quests to 4-10:
Most quests have different loot levels based on party level, right? Perhaps, instead of character levels determining loot levels, party size?
loot is not based on party level. It's based on number of people in the party ( or at least is supposed to be?)
under discussion
next reset the 4-9/6-9 quests will be max level 10
i did not adjust spawns
i did not adjust loot
i did not adjust minimum parties -
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@Echo woo hoo!!!!!
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