Some Simple Spellsword Options
So, I initially had this whole thing put together where I was going to suggest a whole class and feats and things- most of which I have scripted up, but would take time for the team to integrate into CoA if they even wanted to.
But then I was talking with someone who mentioned this thing on another server where you have feats like low/zero arcane spell fail for light, medium, heavy and shields.
I think this would probably be the easiest way to make a variety of spellsword concepts super viable without breaking class balance or server power levels.
You still need the feats to wear the armor or use shields, you're also going to still need your weapon proficiency of choice. To get there, you can take the feats or dip a fighting class level. You then have to take the ASF feat(s) to wear the armor you want.
These feats, if implemented, really shouldn't be progressive, I don't think. Three mandatory feats to cast in plate is a bit excessive, I think, and severely limits the amount of variety you'd get with spellswords.
They already suffer from having to mostly self-buff.
Perhaps we can introduce a wizard only feat called 'arcane armaments'- it'll give martial, shield, and medium armor proficiency to the caster, but will stop working if they multiclass out of it?
Some of the Mithril Armors help support this playstyle as well.
They have reduced Arcane Spell Failure on the armors -
Zool, I think, mentioned this on the discord.
Basically making your effective caster level 4 levels higher than your actual one. With our level range, something like this would make a martial class a really good pairing with a caster to make a viable spellsword concept.
I think the problem would be the actual scripting of it. Unless I missunderstand, you'd have to have a check for each and every spell script that looks for this feat.
@Dire-Rabbit You could throw it in the spells include...we already have a 'hook' to catch the 'spellcast' event for forced emote items.
@SpiffyMeister Practiced Spellcaster is a Feat
Yes, but an 'include' can do stuff like check for feats/parameters before the spell is actually cast.
Not exactly how it works, but close enough that the nuance doesn't matter for purposes of this discussion.
We're looking into Practiced Spellcaster as a feat to facilitate all spellcaster multiclasses rather than make a seperate spellsword class.
I would so get alot of use out of that feat!
The Practiced Spellcaster feat would open up many muliclass mage ideas.
Looking also at adding two additional feats to handle armors.
You guys are spoiling me. <3
Implemented. Closing.
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