Item no longer works
this is a item i received when Spiffy was giving out the one time gifts
it is a ring "The Fox's Tail" which would once per day summon a red fox for me, which had lasted a long time, but it is not a combat pet, and i am careful where i call it
it no longer works, i get the "yip!" but no fox comes to my side, and the charge is used, meaning i must wait again to reuse it
i tried it last evening in the eastway trail just outside the arabel old town gate, it was suppose to be part of some RP, and i tested it again just a few minutes before this report, outside the gates of iron drake
is it repairable?
More than likely the creature was removed from Resman, probably.
@SpiffyMeister you didnt script it to use a palette creature?
@Echo it uses the summontool script, check the variables on the item for the resref.
I didn't expect darlene's pc to live very long so I left the mob in resman.
look, I didn't think she'd live 2 years okay
@SpiffyMeister we also dont usually keep stuff in resman that long either
can it be repaired?
i'll have to find you in game and get the variables from the item and figure out which creature it's supposed to spawn before i can answer
Fixed In-game with the player.
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