[Player retiring]Caek/ Kural/ NPC Sponsorship
I see quite a bit of conflict around amongst a lot of PCs which is nice, but caek has certainly gotten the most notice. I won't object, however I'm not all that interested in the story as it lacks any depth, motive or personality. Conflict for conflicts sake. So abstaining for now.
This looks good then. Whats the score with these sponsorships? Judging by others:
• Thematic uptick in their armour in stats. I'd suggest intimindate and taunt are best for Kural.
• Item. A supposed artefact of the Black Triad seems most fitting. Some sort of helmet maybe with bonus saves against fear and maybe 5x casting Fear itself. "Eyes of Wrath".
• Nudge towards some sort of plot. -
Players have built up enough evidence and proof for criminal charges against Kural, unless he hands himself in he will get the wanted criminal perks as well.
We can have the NPC be the sponsor for his criminal wage as well then.
I'll prepare the documents from the NPC and share here
With the blessing her Majesty and the Councils of Arabel, I, High Arbiter, and the Councils of Arabel. Have judged the foreign national known as Kural Bhurzen of the heretical faith known as the Black Triad, guilty of the following charges:
C3: Conspiracy against the Nobility or High Clergy,
C10: Treason,
S6: Impersonation of Authority,
L4: Reckless Endangerment,
L5: Slander of Noble or High Priest.In accordance to the current lawbook of Arabel, and based upon the evidence brought before me, through the investigation lead by Peace Officer Harriet Yeoman with the aid of Arabel's citizens and the noble retainers of House Braerwinter.
As of these charges, the foreign national known as Kural Bhurzen is hereby wanted by the Crown of Arabel, his punishment awaiting his arrival.
High Arbiter of Arabel,
Sir Malcom DeShurr,
Champion of TyrKural Bhurzen the Tarnished
C3: Conspiracy against the Nobility or High Clergy,
C10: Treason,
S6: Impersonation of Authority,
L4: Reckless Endangerment,
L5: Slander of Noble or High Priest.REWARDS WILL BE GIVEN
To be brought before the Crown ALIVE.@Zool said in Exiles and the hunted:
Wanted (bounty) - Your character is wanted, dead or alive. The same rules as exiled apply, additionally, you cannot enter any settlements without a DM to supervise as there are "blue" NPCs there. You can be attacked by any other player character and may be at risk of FD. Normal rules apply to FD.
- Wage of 50gp via NPC sponsorship
- Can chose to hand himself in, or live on the run
- Not wanted dead, for now
@Puffy Make it so
caek (Kural) — Today at 8:28 AM
@Server Admins [DM] @Storytellers [DM] - I think I’m going to look at wrapping up Kurals story. The lack of real support for this sort of concept, basically playing alone most of the time, low server population and lack of IG DM / Storyteller presence is stifling the fun im having with it. Assumed the Ashkara group would have helped, but alas. I’ll work with Draco on a conclusion to it all. I’d really hope the next person who wants to play an antagonist gets some real help with it, because the server is a very boring place without one.Guess we can keep this NPC for another time/pc. Not interested in rolling this out for the player after I specifically asked for patience like 3 days ago.
Still going ahead with the poster cause Draco and the others earned it
@Puffy said in [Player retiring]Caek/ Kural/ NPC Sponsorship:
Still going ahead with the poster cause Draco and the others earned it
Yep. And I'll roll out the NPC as a background thing at some point for the next villain concept, but zero contact is going to be given to Kural.
@Puffy said in [Player retiring]Caek/ Kural/ NPC Sponsorship:
Still going ahead with the poster cause Draco and the others earned it
PC is dead
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on