Unable to download new update
Trying to download the latest version and I get this error message.
Am running the game on the android app. I am aware of two others with the same issue, one is on a mac.
[7:13 PM]Echo: deth is aware of the issue, and has informed strife what needs to be done to correct it
[7:13 PM]Echo: it's 3am for strife so you guys will have to wait a few more hours, sadly
[7:13 PM]Echo: the issue is mac and mobile devices
[7:14 PM]Echo: well .. the issue is the size of one of the items in the hak but it's only affecting mac/mobile devices -
I am on a pc and I am also affected, strangely. -
either way it should be remedied after strife has time to make the recommended changes :)
Should be fixed as of version 20240615 Strife 8408.
Please confirm once its live. -
Already confirmed via discord but yeah all working for me now.
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