Hillmarch Ogres Difficulty Vs Reward
I think the recent tweaks to this quest have swung the difficulty too far in the other direction.
Its been challenging the last few times and today I did it with a party of three and burnt through three potions of blur, two barkskin, a shield potion and a potion of aid in addition to being stoneskinned and hasted by the sorcerer who also had two elemental summons. Even when doing all this there were still a few close calls where I nearly died.
Seems a bit much for 250 coins and below average loot. I know before it was "too easy" but now I'm seriously considering not doing the quest anymore. Deffo needs either a difficulty tweak or reclassified as a "hard quest" with a rise in level cap and a bump in gold/items.
P.S the chief also now seems to be one of the weaker mobs that spawn at the final fight, which doesn't make a lot of sense.
It's under review currently, it swings from too easy to too hard.
Might be worth looking at the ogres with the electric flails stats, them plus the elites can be a bit overwelming.
Electric flails? Hm odd, shouldn't have those
@Puffy The mob in question are the "Ogre Oafs". They're stronger than the Ogre champions due to having 2 ApR instead of 1 but with the same to-hit bonuses, and their weapons do 2 extra electric damage.
main issue previously was actually that the champions had exotic double weapons but no feats to use them so their ab was nerfed. if you swapped the weapon for a 2 handed axe nistead then the challenge of the quest would go up loads without a complete overhaul
@Cadiz I'm not 100% sure how the Ogre champions work. I didn't know monsters could equip weapons without having the feat proficiency to equip them. And even if they could, a double weapon should be giving them 2 ApR at the minimum instead of the 1 they get. The visual doesn't fit the reality for them.
having animated them in the past, i know that they dont have 2 weapon fighting etc that would give them the ability to use the double axe.
swapping the weapon would increase the danger of a crit and also raise their ab by at least 4, not sure exactly how much they lose by not having two weapon fighting and ambidexterity.
@Cadiz said in Hillmarch Ogres Difficulty Vs Reward:
they dont have 2 weapon fighting
Checking the toolset, they do have that feat.
I have tweaked all the ogres again
Just to confirm I've done this quest a couple of times recently and it seems to be well balanced again. Thanks.
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