Making the "prestige" system relevant with a "new store"
Long story short, the prestige point system was created to help faction members earn their loot. It was created so that people would be nudged towards the dm factions. However, we have since then scrapped the factions. And from what I can gather, prestige is now only relevant for buying bulks of bark, shield and blur potions.
So my suggestion is simple. Gather up most of the old DM faction loot, place it in a singular store (we can call him the collector). The collector rewards adventurers who brings him shit, by allowing them to "trade" unused magical items into something they actually want.
Add in old Raven or zhent loot (for evil peeps), Precept loot (for sorcerers etc.), HoM loot for the pious, the old Council of Twelve loot, etc. It does not have to be the top tier, just the "ordinary" stuff, if you lot are worried about balance. Some is better than none.
This will make the system relevant again, allow people outside of factions to save up prestige for that one or two pieces of loot they can use to tell new stories. It should be relatively easy, since the items are already tied to the prestige system.
And place some prestige chests around the server (perhaps at every inn), so people do not have to walk across the entire server with a 5 prestige point full plate.Alternatively, create prestige stores focused on classes, having some pieces designed for each class. You can set the terms of use, as to avoid the worst "loot optimization for classes" etc.
@O-louth said in Making the "prestige" system relevant with a "new store":
old Raven or zhent loot (for evil peeps), Precept loot (for sorcerers etc.), HoM loot for the pious, the old Council of Twelve loot,
except wearing most of that loot will get you executed these days
I'm not opposed to having new shops/items available, so feel free to make suggestions of what would be in them.
Yep. Thematic stuff around the two new noble houses and always looking for fun stuff to add to the generic shops or even have some thematic items available for groups like Slingdyke(Saga), Immersea (Cormaeril) and other groups /areas like House Bleth as things are earned.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
That part was simply to easen the burden of implementation. Like the zhent loot was a copy of the Raven stuff, or the fellowship reused the old Council stuff. You could change their named, that is a minor detail. My overall suggestion was to repurpose the prestige system, to our new version which is non faction focused.@Prof-Misclick I have no idea what any of those things you mentioned are. Is the prestige system now location based instead?
Immersea, Collinwood and Bospir have prestige chests. Each has a small store, with some thematic items reflecting the areas around them.
House Cormaeril earned a prestige store which was attached to the Immersea prestige chest. Meaning players outside the faction could still benefit from the thematic store, and at the same time House Cormaeril could use their points to buy items in their faction store as well.
When House Cormaeril retired, their prestige store retired, but that didn't affect the other players who invested into Immersea together with Cormaeril and they will still enjoy their investment via the thematic store.
@O-louth said in Making the "prestige" system relevant with a "new store":
at part was simply to easen the burden of implementation. Like the zhent loot was a copy of the Raven stuff, or the fellowship reused the old Council stuff.
Except that none of that stuff is in the palette to be copied and would all have to be made from scratch again anyway :)
Updated the guidelines with the example I gave above as well:
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