Updates to Air and Water summon themes
The Air and Water theme are rarely ever used as the summons have abilities that harm allies.
Air has a knockdown thing (something like gust of wind or iron horn), while the water ones have drown, which forces a fort save on you and if you fail, you drop to 1hp...
Makes no sense your own summon would harm your party, let alone yourself.
If those abilities were removed, I am certain the themes would be used more often as well.
It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks <3
The water summons don't drown, they do a reflex save blast of ice damage around them. It can be mitagated with the right setups.
I need to know who summoned the water elemental last night, if it came from a summon creature spell, or if it came from an item
I checked the log and this incident did involve drown. -
Figured it out. The Primordial Oak Branch item uses default summons.
Sorry, saw this just now. I summoned it using the Oak Branch, yes.
we either have to 1) remove the primordial branch from treasure hunts or 2) give it spells other than summoning default elementals or 3) players just need to be careful with it.
open to suggestions
something tree/plant related would make more sense. Spell or summon.
@Echo spent many hours tweaking and perfecting the elemental themes, they're now more balanced with one another! Implemented a while back
P Puffy moved this topic from Suggestions on