Crusader-K/Marius Lightheart/ Custom Summon Theme
1. Who?:
Human/Cleric/Chaotic Evil/9/Marius Lightheart2. What?:
Custom Summoning Theme3. About:
I am playing a priest of Bhaal trying to resurrect him, while simultaneously masquerading as a priest of the Light and forming the “Goodly Faction.” This is both to serve as a front for my activities and to direct the goodly PCs at my evil rivals and kill off Bhaalspawn. I am simultaneously working on building a PC cult of Bhaal and pushing to try to convert the Skulls to Bhaal over Cyric. I eventually intend to attack and desecrate sites devoted to Cyric with the hope of assassinating the clergy in the mortuary in time.**4. Why?
I have started to do some plot related PVP, including attacking Gloomy’s monk to induct him into the cult, I plan on doing the same to a couple other evil PCs and plan on using the custom summon theme to make it more dramatic. It fits the dread and darkness of Bhaal’s rise to have either shadows or wraiths/ghosts than to use one of the more available themes. I plan to use these in openly evil events and when engaging in PvP, not necessarily for an increase in power but to show a more open evil and dark mentality.I am open to either wraiths or shadows, as both can fit thematically and IC based off what I have going on. Shadows because I have snuck my symbols in during Suubra events and I am allying with the shadow tree thing that is connected to a Bhaalspawn or Wraiths because I have been leaving undead and I have a strong connection to Deadwell.
Interesting character. Doing cool things. I'm all for helping him make more thematic encounters as the concept evolves. Yes from me.
Probably worth discussing what he should get before voting. Summoning theme means he actively needs to hostile others and cannot leave them around
I know with undead you can remove them from party and leave them as hostile encounters- is there an option to do that with summons?
@Hangman said in Crusader-K/Marius Lightheart/ Custom Summon Theme:
I know with undead you can remove them from party and leave them as hostile encounters- is there an option to do that with summons?
It's a completely different system
i'm not opposed to him getting (even more) cool stuff (since he has received quite a bit?) but as Puffy said, summoning themes dont work the same way that the undead system does. If you "remove" them from your party they unsummon.
Having read a bit on Bhaal, I'd say undead theme would fit more than shadows would. -
In terms of loot, I think he's only gotten a cool item that generates of placeable, nothing that makes him mechanically stronger, but a tool that lets him tell a story.
I am thinking we can upgrade his symbol to spawn undead slowly overtime maybe?
Give him more bags to store undead in?
@Puffy Sure. We can drop some bags of holding on him and call them 'corpse carrying bags.'
@SpiffyMeister said in Crusader-K/Marius Lightheart/ Custom Summon Theme:
I am thinking we can upgrade his symbol to spawn undead slowly overtime maybe?
This sounds cool. As long as it's slowly and the spawns aren't OP.
What happens if no one visits the area for a long time only to have some poor noob get there and see a horde of Undead?
What if he set this symbol outside of a quest area or even next to a transition?
Dont forget also that timers are not always reliable so what we might perceive as slowly might end up spawning all at once.
My recommendation would be:
Allow him to choose setting a normal symbol or a summoning Symbol
The summoning symbol cannot support more than X amount of undead at a time. Once it reaches that limit it will have to wait for one of these undead to be killed/destroyed before another one can be summoned forth
Once the summoning symbol is destroyed no more summoning can happen
Only one summoning symbol per area is permitted or at the very least within Y distance from another one
The placing of a summoning symbol will not be permitted inside certain areas or within Z distance from a transition
Marius cannot control these undead. If he faces them they will be hostile to him too
@Strife-and-Discord I spoke with strife we're gonna add a generic solution to this
Has he gotten this already? (Pretty sure I know the answer) noticed there are only 3 yes votes and no confirm
I need to fix his little summoning totem still. Just tired is all.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on