Tl;Dr. Yes. Grizzleclaw is an elite name.
KoS FD approved on creation?
@Echo yes
Fun police. Lycans pcs are supposed to match their lycan base. Wereboar are TN like werewolves are CE. I’m fine making this exception since it is Spiffy and this is making the lycan more a monster not a wimp “good/awww so cute and misunderstood lycan”
Fun story makes for exceptions so a yes from me.
Though I almost voted no because spiffy promised me a book burning paladin and once again, Charlie Browned me. “Good grief….”
wait wereboars are tn?
that's dumb
I can’t remember why we went TN. They should be NE if anything.
probably because canon and at the time we had a bunch of shitty lycan races like WEREBISON and WERETIGER
Anyhow. I will never forgive this slight and betrayal and intend a paladin NPC to hunt you down, make a book out of your hide and then burn it.
Votes please
@SpiffyMeister said in Wereboar/Grizzleclaw:
Grizzleclaw's primary goal is to understand the nature of his curse. He seeks to discover the origins of the cult whose cursed pork he consumed, hoping that in understanding their rituals and beliefs, he might find a way to break his curse.
If this were a players app I would have voted no already because the self-stated primary goal is very DM dependent.
All the other "goals" seem centered around one other PC and don't seem to involve yhe server in general.
Am I wrong?
@Echo that is a very fair point.
I wanted to avoid obvious nonsense such as terrorizing the roads and demanding food tolls and forcing people to leave the city with fresh pie in order to safely travel, I thought all that was a given lol.
I want you to have fun and take a break from DMing to play a PC that will be fun. But..
Alignment is off from what we've stated for the race.
How is Gluttony a heresy of Malar?
Exploration of the Curse: Grizzleclaw's primary goal is to understand the nature of his curse.
Okay same as almost any lycan: "understand my curse"Redemption:
Okay... he'll have to "wrong" someone so he can "help them" to get redemption. Cool. How will he do this?Power through Gluttony:
Still.. idk how gluttony fits with malarSurvival: .
Okay... still not sure how this is a goal of a subrace application. "Navigate the city's politics" uhm.. okay? Why? Is he going to be a politician? Is he aligning himself with a faction?Reconciliation with Witherwick Copperswillow:
Okay so this is a goal... that involves one other PC. How does this involve others?tl;dr: If you just want to play a pig and eat stuff just say you want to play a pig and eat stuff lol.
Wereboars being "True Neutral" is stupid and should be made evil. Alignment, in general, is a guideline not a rule, IMO.
Heresy of Malar because Malar advocates hunting for the sake of the hunt, but not to take to much so prey remains plentiful. This is a heresy of Malar because my character will advocate excess and plenty, stating that Gluttony is the right of the strong in the sense they can take what they wish and consume as they desire for no care to the consequences. If the prey runs out- simply move somewhere else, like locusts.
Well, I want to roleplay the "Curse" as if my character was 'possessed' by a Spirit/Demon of Gluttony which manifests as a wereboar. In that sense, he is not a true 'lycan' but I merely use the wereboar transformation as a vehicle to roleplay the possession.
Power through Consumption, you are what you eat, by defeating powerful foes and consuming them, you take on their strength.
My character will definitively need allies if he wants to stay alive (and if I don't want to be fucking bored masturbating in the woods roleplaying taking massive shits) so I will obv need to start my own little cult or group so I have a reason to login.
Reconciliation with Witherwick will obviously involve others in the sense he'll need help in 'freeing me' from the curse, which is how I imagine this goal will ever be successfully performed.
Yes, I wanna be a scary pig and eat stuff and be scary. :smile:
like i said, if this were a player app i'd vote no
but you're not just a player so i'm not voting no -
@Lord_Acererak set him up.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on