Arcane Project: Silver Golem
After speaking with Tanya I do not believe it is possible to obtain enough silver to form a golem entirely from it.
It is more feasible to form the majority of Iron and instead form the hands from silver as it will strike with those.
A large gem will also be needed as the heart where the elemental will be bound, A ruby or diamond will suffice for this
Adrian of House Iverlesk, Apprentice to Dwight Mossmere
How many of these golems can be made and how long would it take to complete one of them? Would one golem be viable enough on its own?
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander in the Council of Twelve Peers
I would suggest one large golem rather than trying to make multiple smaller ones. Iron Golems are quite sturdy
A time frame depends on how quickly the ore can be obtained, Amakiir is making frequent trips for iron and silver
I recommend that you prioritize the spheres projects above this one, if you believe it has better chances of success.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander in the Council of Twelve Peers
Both have good chances of success.
It's unwise to put all our eggs in one basket as they say.
I have been leading expeditions to gather materials and asked Amakiir to plan an expedition to the Stormhorns in search of a suitable gem for the golem heart.
Very well, as long as you will know when to abandon this project - Should you see it does not yield any results.
Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Commander in the Council of Twelve Peers
Tanya has found a conjuration tome on golems. I have suggested she find a skilled conjurer to conjure golems with it for study on how they move to aid with the construction process.
Over the next few days I will lead an expedition to the Frozen Kingdom and the mountain above to seek a large diamond or ruby for the golem heart
While my own powers are by the blessings bestowed upon my bloodline from Mystra herself, I am skilled in summoning.
Whether you wish to include me in your scheme or not, I am willing to discuss a contract to aid.
Skull Dominik Volkov
Skull Volkov
Seek out Tanya Vorrune and see if she will let you study the tome of golems.
The first step is conjuring golems so she can see how they move etc for desigining the limbs
I would be willing to pay you a reasonable sum for this
With the aid of Skull Volkovs conjurations Tanya has conducted some study on how golems move and will send some designs over.
I will be taking an expedition out tonight to the Frozen Kingdom and the Mountains above to seek out a suitable gem for the heart of the golem and other useful materials
The expedition yesterday gathered some gems and Emelia donated a large diamond she found on a previous expedition
The diamond should make a fine heart for the golem
Tanya has sent design sketches and suggested the gears and such be made from platinum
@Burgesse said in Package for Adrian Iverlesk:
I am sending you the prototype sketches.
Iron will be extensive for the plating and I might use platinum for the joints since they'll need to be a little more delicate to allow movement without being an actual weak point.
I'd suggest platinum for the hands, with a silvered coating. Unless pure silver would make for a better weapon against the targets. I think pure it too weak for what we want but I'm not sure what your magics can do there.
The inner frame for this should be easier to do, though I'm not sure what height we want.
I will lead expeditions for the ore
Work has been somewhat slow on this project due to Ser Cormareil ordering Tanya to stop working with me on this.
Despite this I have been trying to see it to completion as it will be a valuable asset in the war that may save some lives.
I have advised that she hunt the criminal known as the Rogue Creator as she may find schematics there that may assist her.
With renewed co-operation on the council this project is now my main focus arcane wise
Should it work as expected it shall be a formidable line breaker.
I shall be in contact with Tanya to see what assistance she needs if any and suggest we aid her should she locate this Rogue Creator